Philip Barket
Dec 14, 2004 7:43 PM
Check it out here...


Phil Barket (kingphilbert - 12/14/2004 11:43:30 AM)
Dann Thombs
Dec 14, 2004 7:56 PM
Been waiting for the for a long time, ever since Marilyn Manson was rumored to be Wonka.

Also that URL didn't work for me, but I dropped off the 'news' portion and it went through fine.

Dann Thombs (Dann - 12/14/2004 11:56:17 AM)
Philip Barket
Dec 14, 2004 8:22 PM
It should open a new page from AICN and then you click the lower link for the trailer. Or was the trailer link not working? When you click the trailer link it may open another window but it should just launch QT and start to play or you can right click and save to your drive.

Phil Barket (kingphilbert - 12/14/2004 12:21:24 PM)
Dann Thombs
Dec 14, 2004 8:28 PM
Funny, it works now. Oh well, the sans-'news' URL works too. The movie looks cool, even if the original will be hard to beat.

Dann Thombs (Dann - 12/14/2004 12:28:15 PM)
Philip Barket
Dec 14, 2004 9:32 PM
Supposedly only after Dahl had supplied the script for the original did the studio go and add all the musical interludes and make a slight few changes that upset him. Hence Dahl didn't lik ehis on property once it was translated to film. Still a great movie and Wilder will always be seen a Wonka. But this version, by Burton, is said to be incredibly faithful to the book, and very creepy. I think it's going to be excellent and it's a film right up Burton's alley.

Phil Barket (kingphilbert - 12/14/2004 1:32:16 PM)
Dann Thombs
Dec 14, 2004 9:37 PM
Yeah those musical moments get me reaching for the fast-forward button, but such was the period it was made in. Burton always gives us a visual treat, and Depp's a nut as always. Should be a good flick to check out.

Dann Thombs (Dann - 12/14/2004 1:37:42 PM)
OB session
Dec 14, 2004 9:50 PM
The song in that trailer has been haunting me for days.

Ob Session (obsession - 12/14/2004 1:50:36 PM)
Philip Barket
Dec 14, 2004 10:20 PM
My friend warned me before I watch about the song. I'll be singing it too.

Phil Barket (kingphilbert - 12/14/2004 2:20:34 PM)
Dec 22, 2004 3:44 AM
perhaps those crazy "dontblindme" glasses were made by oakley eh?

Josh Rambo (hxm9 - 12/21/2004 7:44:40 PM)
Dann Thombs
Dec 22, 2004 4:34 PM
True, when I saw them, I immediately thought Moon/Trenchcoat.

Dann Thombs (Dann - 12/22/2004 8:34:05 AM)
Philip Barket
Dec 22, 2004 5:06 PM
I was thinking large Moons are whacked out Overthetops. Then I slowed it down to get a better look. Probably not O. Cool if it was though. Oakley should be in more flicks. It pissed me off that Angelina Jolie wore Raybans in Tomb Raider and they so easily could have been OO•E Pewter/Red.

Phil Barket (kingphilbert - 12/22/2004 9:06:50 AM)
Neptune TQ
Dec 29, 2004 6:10 AM
My girlfriend hates that trailer, cos she loves the original too much and this just looks to creepy. It looks right up my alley though, i'll probably end up loving this a lot more then the original :)

Neptune TQ (NeptuneTQ - 12/28/2004 10:10:00 PM)
Tom Tom
Sep 13, 2005 3:54 AM
it's excellent

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