BigMac .
Jun 18, 2006 7:14 AM
Has anyone got a pair yet? How are they? No reviews in the catalogue yet. I am kind of favoring these, might be the next purchase. Help me out.
Paul Sollenberger
Jun 18, 2006 7:15 AM
I really wished they would look decent on me. With my head shaved these just look big and goofy, the white black combo is definately nice though, maybe its time to get my girl some new shades. . .

BigMac .
Jun 18, 2006 7:19 AM
I wish they had put +red lense in these. If so, I would had already had them.
Paul Sollenberger
Jun 18, 2006 7:24 AM
I am suprised that they went white for the frame since most of the ducati stuff has been either grey, black or in rare instances silver. White is really different but it looks great against the black lens and red icon. This is one hot pair of glasses when a chick is all black/red/whited out. Not that it would be bad on a guy, I am sure it would rock, I am just sad it wont look anything other than spacy & gay on me :(
Eric Arsenault
Jun 18, 2006 7:31 AM
Its Ducati in the end who has the final word for the combos, love the line, red is a nice colors in the mass of more darker frames.
Jun 18, 2006 7:59 AM
Yeah I too think they are cool - but +Red would really get a rainbow effect on such a large lens. The Red Icon is a nice touch on that frame - a red hinge with a white Icon may have been neat too.
Justin "Scorpion Zero" Jones
Jun 18, 2006 10:07 AM
Does anyone know how Oakley got into such a great relationship with Ducati like this and why they dont do it with other companies?
Hip to be Square-O
Jun 18, 2006 7:40 PM
Ducati whores their brand name out like crazy. I just saw the Ducati line of Tumi luggage (which is a very high end brand as well). It looked really nice.
Jun 19, 2006 12:19 AM
Try explaining me why 'whoring out a name' gives a negative ring to something, while you speak of one of the products as 'very nice looking'. I'm confused.

To my opinion a brandname like Ducati - or Oakley, for that matter - is not whored out, but combined with another strong brand to create a mutual succes in brand recognition and brandname awarenes.
Paul Sollenberger
Jun 19, 2006 2:24 AM
Not familar with whoreing the name out but it seems like ducati likes to be involved in the best aspects of everything. I mean their racers have to travel, wear clothes, wear sunglasses, watches, hats, shoes, racing boots, ect.
So maybe in the eyes of ducati, when they do custom or special lines with these companyies its a way of letting thier fans know that they are top of the line even when it is not motorcycles. I know lamborghini has a huge line of accessory items that I am sure lamborghini owners dont buy, but those with brand knowledge get it to have something with the charging bull shield.
Darren Taylor
Jun 19, 2006 2:55 AM
its all about business and money, romance with no finance is a god damned nuisance...bdk
sees you
Jun 19, 2006 8:41 AM
Like any other motorcycle co. they change their color schemes every few yaers while retaining their signature color. Just to keep it fresh. But with such a strong relationship with Ducati, I'm surprised they haven't done sig versions of their watches yet.
Paul Sollenberger
Jun 19, 2006 8:53 AM
Does anyone know if Ducati is teamed with anyone else for a sig watch? I think a black/red watch would be killer, like a stealth blade with red unobtanium. Ultra hotness!
Jun 19, 2006 9:03 AM
Second that Paul !
Brian Johnson
Jun 19, 2006 5:18 PM
as for a review: I tried them and they're the shizzle. If I ever thought I'd wear them, I'd get them. But they're not for me. Sleek looking though. And the Polished White was chosen (I think) to appeal to the ladies.
Feb 1, 2014 4:27 PM
Have 2 Riddles to solve?? Trying to work out if one is Asian Fit versus Regular Fit, maybe a different batch?
Feb 1, 2014 4:17 PM

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