James Cheung
Apr 4, 2006 4:08 AM
So lemme get this straight...

the propstore ones weren't actually Juliets with the lenses?
i always thought they were actualy normal Juliets with reby quartz lenses.
Apparently not. I believe there were two pairs and were used for publicity. The lenses were real but the frames were resin mockups. One pair was displayed at the Irvine Store and the other went god-knows-where. Both went AWOL and then one resurfaced as the London Propstore prop. Under the terms of the deal with Marvel all the props were supposed to be sent back for destruction minus the odd pair that were retained by the producers or given to Marsden.
Pat D.
Apr 4, 2006 4:15 AM
That's funny, I heard the props were auctioned off, some even to the Stan Lee Foundation.........
So which ones were sent to the archives, and which ones were on ebay??? I'm sooo confused.....
martin g
Apr 4, 2006 4:28 AM

Pat D.
Apr 4, 2006 4:23 AM
His lenses look orange in that picture, kinda strange I think............ :p
James Cheung
Apr 4, 2006 5:06 AM
Some of the props (including Prof X's wheelchair and the various leather suits), though not the glasses were auctioned off by a company that sells a production's assets after filming. I believe that the other missing promo glasses went on Ebay but were not part of the official after filming auction but were sold thru a private seller on behalf of the owner.

From X2 onwards the policy has been NOT to sell any of the major props.

Some pairs of glasses were retained in archive but the majority have to be returned to Oakley.
Pat D.
Apr 4, 2006 7:18 AM
I dont get, who owns the rights to the glasses? Marvel, or Oakley?
Twenty Fifty
Apr 4, 2006 8:50 AM
The glasses and visors of the first movie were indeed auctioned off on eBay by 20th Century Fox in July/August 2000 (complete with the ever important COA). I was there for them, I watched them and, because I had bought two X-metals at Canadian prices thata past summer, I ultimately couldn't afford bidding on them. Sucks and one of my bigger regrets.

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