Thread Killers
Nov 12, 2006 11:27 AM
It's just the same with any community, online or not. Not to mention eBay.
Although I consider this much better than eBay because we have what they don't - actual interaction with people within the community. Feedback only tells you so much. But here...it's like a family. You get to know people on a personal level and not just about who's the better seller. Because of this, it's easier to make a better judgement call as to who's worth trusting and who isn't. Just use the same common sense as you would with any other financial transaction and you'll be fine.

All that aside, it's not a buy and sell community, anyway. It's about sharing of knowledge and opinions and every now and then some members help out the others.

Full Throttle @ 102 mph
Nov 12, 2006 11:43 AM
a lot of exposure by actively and passionately getting involved in the forum so other members will feel comfortable with you. At the same time, you don't want to just blulp non-sense and be annoying. Act mature and friendly and you can get freebie stuff here at times. Believe me.

If you are here to scalp ...gain info so you can make a quick buck in Ebay, then you will be our Sc*mbag.

Welcome to the site and enjoy!
Dann Thombs
Nov 12, 2006 6:15 PM
There's a whole topic dedicated to customs, so feel free to add to or create a new thread there.
Ray H
Nov 12, 2006 7:39 PM
Thanks for the welcome and explaining all this to me~ I've been around browsing around for half a year, but only recently joined not too long ago.

Just like another member here, After coming to this site...well... I've been getting obsessed, 1 pair of oakley a month. It's not that impressive, but I am only a university ("college" in the states) student and can only get by with that after my rent and girlfriend and my other expensive hobby for motorcycles.

I'm proud to say my family and friends are slowly catching the oakley flu as well. :)
Stephen Tressel
Nov 14, 2006 8:55 PM
I´m glad I found this thread,because I was under the impression that the classified section had been removed!I agree with the (right of passege),as someone mentioned earlier in this thread.

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