Wilson Ng
Dec 19, 2004 10:20 PM
those are great - I just ordered a pair of VR28 blue iridium polarized to go with my Chrome Big Square Wires - will there any problem fitting those in - does anyone know? W Bong - you have any idea - if fitting polarised lenses in a normal big square wire frame would be a problem?

hmm... i've read that Oakley polarized lenses will not fit in non-polarized frames. but if i have time today, i'll try to fit my VR28 Blue polarized lenses in either a non-polarized pewter or chrome frame.

W.B. Ng (bong - 12/19/2004 2:20:53 PM)
Philip Barket
Dec 19, 2004 10:34 PM
i've read that Oakley polarized lenses will not fit in non-polarized frames.

Tha used to be true for O-Matter frames. I don't think it holds truth any longer though.

Phil Barket (kingphilbert - 12/19/2004 2:34:09 PM)
Dann Thombs
Dec 19, 2004 10:59 PM
I think wires are the biggest problem when trying to put polarized in a non-polar frame.

Dann Thombs (Dann - 12/19/2004 2:59:22 PM)
Tre Go
Dec 20, 2004 2:57 AM
This is why I really like this site - people are helpful and interested in helping out others - even a small little microbag like me hahahahhhhaha. Bong - thanks for taking the time to try out whether they fit or not - I really appreciate it, whenever you do get done with it please let me know. Phil thanks for giving me some hope and any of your sources tells you it's possible holla at me and Dan thanks for being a realist. When the lenses do arrive and if I find out they cant fit - then the only question tha will remain will be - How long will they mourn me - this is for my nigga Kanoooooooo

Splatter Skull

2:59:22 PM
View user's profile
View user's picture Send User a Message I think wires are the biggest problem when trying to put polarized in a non-polar frame.

Dann Thombs (Dann - 12/19/2004 2:59:22 PM)

Tre Go (trego33 - 12/19/2004 6:57:01 PM)
Tre Go
Dec 21, 2004 4:22 AM
Urrrrr - waiting .............. urrrrrrr

Tre Go (trego33 - 12/20/2004 8:22:33 PM)
Tre Go
Dec 22, 2004 7:45 AM
Still waiting patiently........urrrrrrrrr

Tre Go (trego33 - 12/21/2004 11:45:58 PM)
Wilson Ng
Dec 22, 2004 4:21 PM
i'm so sorry, i've been really busy lately, especially around this time of year... :(
ok, i promise to do it tonight once i get home from work. if i don't, you could come to Brooklyn and give me a good punch.

W.B. Ng (bong - 12/22/2004 8:21:15 AM)
Wilson Ng
Dec 23, 2004 6:39 AM
here it is:



seems like the VR28 Blue Iridium Polarized lenses will fit in a non-polarized Big Square Wire Chrome frame, and vice versa. i did notice that the polarized frames are slightly thicker than the non-polarized counterpart.

that said, the way i always swap lenses on my Oakley Wires is to unscrew the frames with a precision or an optician's screwdriver. it has less stress on the wire frames than popping out and in lenses, and reduces the risk of accidentally bending the frames. it might be fine to pop out lenses on O-Matter frames, and even Oakley notes that it's okay for some Wire frames (as described on my Square Wire 2.0 lens kit), but i wouldn't recommend it. you might have a bit of trouble trying to pop in the polarized lenses in the non-polarized frame, but like i said, unscrewing the frames is much easier and better for the frames anyway. ^_^

i can't claim for any other Oakley Wire frames, but for the Big Square Wire, swapping polarized and non polarized is no problem. pretty much quells Oakley's statements that they won't fit.

have fun, Tre Go, and post some pics after the lens swap!

W.B. Ng (bong - 12/22/2004 10:39:19 PM)
Tre Go
Dec 23, 2004 7:19 AM
Bong - thank you so much - you taking the time to actually do this means a lot to me - otherwise I was scared my 75 dollars would go down the drain. Once again thank you so much for taking the time to do this - I really appreciate it - one last thing - what did you think of the combo - chrome and VR28BP? Rock da house or suck deez ****

Tre Go (trego33 - 12/22/2004 11:19:11 PM)
Tre Go
Dec 23, 2004 7:24 AM
Oh yeah one more thing - its easy to deconstrouct the frame and reconstruct it or is it a journey filled with danger ahah

Tre Go (trego33 - 12/22/2004 11:24:16 PM)
Wilson Ng
Dec 25, 2004 11:46 PM
hey tre go. hmm... you could decide if you like the VR28/Chrome combo. ^_^

i think it looks pretty good, adds some color to the chrome frames, has a nice contrast. the only colors the chrome frames come with are Ice Iridium, which looks pretty good as well and will prolly look similar to the VR28 Blue Iridium Polarized; and Titanium Clear Iridium, which looks nice because everything is mirrored and shiny. personally i love how Black Iridium looks with the Chrome frames... it takes the TiClear/Chrome combo one step further and makes the whole sunglasses look really monolithic; everything is mirrored and shiny; it looks like it's forged from one big piece of metal.

decondtruction and reconstruction the frame isn't too hard. you just need steady hands and a clean white surface table to work with. you don't want to risk losing the small screws from the frames. if you don't have a white surface to work with, line the table with bond/xerox paper so you could see everything on your working surface. also, make sure you have the right sized screwdriver to work with. many screwdrivers from the hardware store will still be too large. last but not least, wash your hands before working with the sunglasses, you don't want gritty hands scratching the lenses.

have fun!

W.B. Ng (bong - 12/25/2004 3:46:21 PM)

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