Ford .
Sep 4, 2004 11:48 AM
Hi to all. I'm Ford. Stumbled upon this site by trying to find info on the Chop Top through google. This site is great. All my mates think I'm an Oakley freak but I am nothing compared to you guys!!

Anyway, just letting you know there is this shop in Perth called East clothing. Me and my friend both kind of got to know the owner because he stocks a lot of Oakley gear and we both like Oakley. Anyway, the owner of East, Rob, is very chummy with our local Oakley rep and is always talking about how he's going to have the only Oakley conecpt store in Perth and all this. But one day Rob tells us he has this idea of an 'Oakley Club' and the deal is for $150 AUD for a years membership, you get ALL Oakley gear for cost price plus 12%. So its pretty much 40% off retail for new season gear. So my mate and me are sharing a membership and we get Oakley gear for discount. Plus, if Rob doesn't stock it, he orders it in!!

Assault boot hasn't been released in Australia yet, I really want that.

Andrew Ford (ford - 9/4/2004 3:48:08 AM)
Paul Loe
Sep 4, 2004 7:54 PM
40% off the retail price!? WOW! do the gears you mentioned include sunglasses? hope not. cos i'll be cursing at myself for living in indonesia n not in perth!! .....just kidding!

do the club accept only perth resident or any other australia cities can join?

Paul Liandy (zeroshiki - 9/4/2004 11:54:10 AM)
Ford .
Sep 5, 2004 9:05 AM
Yeah they definatley include the sunglasses! I dont think it matters where you live, but how often do you travel to Perth? Its really an 'in person' kind of thing.

But its wicked, I don't even bother with ebay anymore because I get brand new gear at excellent prices.

Andrew Ford (ford - 9/5/2004 1:04:46 AM)
Paul Loe
Sep 5, 2004 9:40 AM
wow! 40 % off for the sunglasses.., that's awesome!

but since it's a 'in person' thing, well, then i'd say as much as i wanted to, i can't do anything about joining the oakley club.

see, i live in indonesia. all of my friends over australia are either in melbourne or sydney. there's nobody from perth i know of as a friend(maybe there is, but my friend's family, not mine).

well anyways, could you give us more information about joining the club? like addresses, phone number, and a discounted price quote for Oakley Penny ice iridium. THANKS a bunch!

Paul Liandy (zeroshiki - 9/5/2004 1:40:52 AM)
Ford .
Sep 5, 2004 10:58 AM
I'm transcribing the business card here:

East Perth Clothing Company
829 Wellington St
West Perth
ph (int'l): +61 8 9485 1083

And unfortunately Australia doesn't get Penny's because they dont fit governement regulations in regards to covering the eyes or some crap. Ebay is your best bet for them.

Andrew Ford (ford - 9/5/2004 2:58:58 AM)
Sep 5, 2004 7:42 PM
I heard the reason you can't get the Penny is because the lens is too thin. (Sub 1mm in certain areas - anyone got a micrometer?)

E C (EastCoast - 9/5/2004 11:42:22 AM)
Elijah Bagdonas
Sep 6, 2004 5:47 AM
Its actually because the diameter of the lens is too narrow from top to bottom. It was the same reason they couldn't buy the square wire 2.0 which is why oakley made the square wire 2.0 30mm to fit Australian standards.

Elijah Bagdonas (beatmstrj - 9/5/2004 9:47:14 PM)
Paul Loe
Sep 6, 2004 6:06 PM
but at oakley australian site, they have penny in stock? does this means australians get different version of penny?

( - 9/6/2004 9:38:54 AM)

if there's anyone going to Bali, you can get Oakley's sunglasses 20% off the retail price. my friend's father went there today and he called me about this duty free shop over there that has 20% off discount, the penny were at around USD 230. he even heard that there's also a store(Billabong) that gives 40% discount on Oakley's sunglasses, too bad he hadn't got the time to stop by(on business trip).

i asked for penny titanium ice but they had just recently ran out of stock(yesterday, a guy bought all 3 pairs that were available left), and i don't want the polished frame which were the only available one(i dunno, it's just that i've seen my friend's juliet polish and it was blemished with wear, the chrome/polish on the frame looks terrible).

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