Anthony Thomas
Apr 14, 2020 12:58 AM
Is there a way to add items to that list. Right now there are only three of the large coins. I would like to go thru and add the other coins that I have info on to include photos. Ideally, this will then let others add this material to their collections.
Dann Thombs
Apr 14, 2020 1:16 AM
There should be a button at the bottom of the colorway list where you can add more.
Anthony Thomas
Apr 14, 2020 1:26 PM
Ok, will give it a try. What seemed to be missing was being able to attach a pic of the different coins to add, maybe I just my didn’t follow thru all the way? My concern was buggering up the database with trial and error mistakes and not being able to fix/repair/remove my mistakes.

I will give it a try today and see what I can come up with
Anthony Thomas
Apr 14, 2020 2:01 PM
Okay, I think there is a problem I can’t seem to solve. When I try to add a colorway it opens a box to type in the sku number. So, the first issue is I don’t know of a valid sky number for the coin. If I scroll thru the database and look up a specific x-metal frame and put that sku it then opens a window with the Oakley forum header image montage of some people wearing Oakley glasses. There is nothing more to be added. I wonder if there is a special sky number like a key to a lock that you must input that would then open a window where the user can then add info and be able to upload an image.

A similar issue occurs with trying to edit or add to the misc category. Say I want to add another category like books. There doesn’t seem to be a button or window to accomplish that. My take is that my user level doesn’t allow me to have the necessary forum access like an administrator to add stuff and or complete areas that could be cleaned up or updated.
Anthony Thomas
Apr 14, 2020 2:06 PM
If you look at the misc/ coin section there are three coins: Juliet, Romeo, and Penny. The button to add a colorway doesn’t really let you add any other colorway that I can see except thru the sky number which as I said doesn’t seem to work. I think what should occur is when you click add colorway you should get a window that allows you to type in the name of what you are adding and then an image Dropbox to drag browse to my computer folder to locate an image to upload.
Anthony Thomas
Apr 14, 2020 3:18 PM
I tried with both my iPhone and my laptop . . . when inspect the element in web inspect . . . I can see that someone has uploaded three separate images - - but there is an error when you use the SKU . . . I'm a web editor but I suspect that the necessary permissions to access that part of the database is restricted.
Dann Thombs
Apr 14, 2020 5:13 PM
Could be an issue with the Misc table. I use the same web front end for all of the database areas, but they don't all have the same fields, so I turn off some of them. Perhaps I missed one. Misc is seldom updates. Let me look into it.

Also you don't have to put in a SKU. It will allow blanks.
Dann Thombs
Apr 14, 2020 5:16 PM
Yeah, it's throwing an error. Normally it should create a blank record with the SKU (if applicable), then allow you to fill in more details. At which point, it will perform an update. I'll have to look into it and fix the issue.
Anthony Thomas
Apr 14, 2020 7:31 PM
Thanks - I did notice that I could add one of the existing three coins to my collection and then edit that. If you look at my collection - (if you can) look at the entry for the X-Metal Coin - Small Half-X. I went ahead and copied the image size of the Romeo image that was stored in the O-Review DB and then pasted over it images that fit the front and back sides of the coin, then resaved the image and was able to upload that image to my individual entry . . . but it you look at my entry for the Half-X coin it is sort of saved under the umbrella of the mule data entry . . . so for me personally that works okay but my goal was to create the other coins as DB entries that anyone could then add to their collections.

I also thought about the various Oakley Pins - some of the previously uploaded images have bad entires and are showing an error when inspected in the web source code. I think those images need to be replaced with a valid image.

I also was thinking some folks collect microfiber bags. Steve Price over at the Oakley site has created a fabulous archive of microfiber bags. It would be pretty cool to create a section in the O-Review specifically for microfiber bags . . . . big job but a lot of the work has been done by Price already. It would now just be a matter of copying things over.
Anthony Thomas
Apr 14, 2020 7:44 PM
I played around with adding a colorway . . . didn't seem to work but I was able to add a unique entry for myself and added a Bob Burkuist bag . . . so it sort of works that way.
Anthony Thomas
Apr 14, 2020 7:48 PM
This was over on the DB with CASES/MICROFIBER - I was able to add Bob Burkuist . . . but there is a window to add an image . . . I think I need a hosting site or something. I am going to see if I can link the image I uploaded for my personal entry and paste that into the public DB entry.
Anthony Thomas
Apr 14, 2020 7:58 PM
Well, copying the address for the personally owned image for Bob Burkuist looks like this:


that image looks fine in my collection entry. However, when I try to paste that into the public entry - it doesn't work.

I tried to copy the image address for one of the other public data entries for a microfiber bag and it looks like this:


However, that didn't work either. I received a notice that there is some kind of web access restriction . . . so I think the images have to entered some other way, possibly by an admin person with access to this level.

In short I think the overall website has some bits and pieces missing or not completely developed, that kind of makes sense because some of these areas don't appear to have been touched with new stuff for a while and other areas have some fairly current stuff.

Anthony Thomas
Apr 14, 2020 11:48 PM
Going back to the MISC group, there is also a glitch with adding a Model . . . it is disconnected and doesn't work either . . . so adding to the Misc DB isn't possible directly. There are also levels within the DB for Misc on one level it has what I think is a model level - so you can see an entry "X-Metal Coin" but if you go up one level you can't add to that. If you go to Colorway then you can make an entry . . . so you will see my entry "X-Metal Coin Small" but that doesn't go anywhere because the actual adding of a color way is deactivated.

I think at this point I am probably going to have to satisfy myself with just working on my personal DB entries. If the webmaster can sort out the glitches or provide some detailed instructions on what I am doing wrong or can activate portions of the DB entry system, then I can work on adding some neat stuff to the public DB.
Dann Thombs
Apr 15, 2020 1:35 PM
Yeah, I'll have to fix it tomorrow when I'm on the computer where I keep my code base. I'll test it and get back to you.
Anthony Thomas
Apr 15, 2020 2:41 PM
Cool, much appreciated.
Dann Thombs
Apr 15, 2020 6:05 PM
Give it a try now. I just added a sku field to the table, even though it doesn't really need one. Just keep it blank. I also added a 'color' field so you can put in a short descriptor for the colorway listing. I tested the image upload, so you can drag & drop or click on the left side to select one. You should see a Coke can test at the moment, so ignore that.

You're right though. Many of the sections in the database are sparse. Only the glasses are my main focus. I've sort of given up hope that I can keep up with anything else. Even the glasses overwhelm me at times.
Anthony Thomas
Apr 15, 2020 8:11 PM
Okay, will give it a try.

I am not sure folks really understand what you have done with the O-Review. This is a bonfire archive. Unfortunately, Oakley has produced so much stuff you do need to set some limit on the things you plan to caretake.

That said, the glasses, watches are big tickets. I would skip the clothes and other stuff that isn't some kind of special contest, promotional thing. Also, if there were more folks involved . . . a lot more could be done, depending on each individual's personal interest. Me, I am into the mf bags, coins, and sunglasses, but others are heavy into watches, memorabilia.

The only issue with allowing universal access is it can become a bit like Wikipedia where you have all sorts of bogus opinion stuff and not fully vetted facts or improper naming. If you have someone from the old Oakley design team or production stafff etc, they could provide a lot of really great insights and be sort of the master reviewers. At some point - one could, when some material has been added, it should be locked up - and only subject to change if proven to contain errors. This way you build the archive of info that you is correct and someone can't come in and in a moment of rage "erase" lots of work . . . if you get my meaning.

I used to run a website as the sysadmin for FreeFalcon a flight sim game. So, I know the kind of games some folks will play and this site is way too important to allow some boneheads to mess with years of dedicated work.
Anthony Thomas
Apr 15, 2020 8:28 PM
Okay, I went to the Database tab then to Misc, then clicked the MOdels tab and attempt to add a model . . . + Add Model button appears, click on it and a name windows appears with the button "ADD", type in X-Metal Coin, there is a processing bar in the web-browser activity bar and I get the + Add Model button again, I go to check the colorways tab to see if anything was added to the models - and nothing showed up for me.

So, I suspect I may be doing something wrong . . . in pubic part. You should be able l look at my collection DB and see what I did there. What I did was simply use one of the existing X-Metal Coins for example to host a different coin . . . that works.
Anthony Thomas
Apr 15, 2020 8:47 PM
I also went to the Database Cases Microbag tab. I can add a colorway but there is still not window to drag an image to or a dropdown to browse for an image on my computer. I added a colorway - Danny Kass. Because I have no image uploaded I get this image below:

What I was expecting was to see the same sort of image window in the database section as I see here in the messaging forum - where on the right side there is an image window and you can drop files easily.

Dann Thombs
Apr 16, 2020 1:34 AM
Hmm, you should see that same style image drop window. I might try to create a test account and see if it behaves differently. Also, I need to test the adding of the MISC models. The work I did today was with the addition of Colorways.

Try adding a colorway to a pair of glasses and see if it does the same thing (don't worry, I'll clean up the record later)

As far as crowd-sourcing database updates, we sort of have that to a degree. If you aren't logged in, then you can't change or add anything. If you create an account, the you can add, as well as change entries that you've recently added. As long as you were the last one to edit something, you can continue to do so. To be able to edit anything, I can upgrade your access. Deletions are only on my account. Even then, I have to perform a fair amount of cleanup, but it's a tradeoff. Still less work in the end, vs the help I get adding things.
Dann Thombs
Apr 16, 2020 1:43 AM
Okay, I did a quick test with a standard account. I see that it is missing the image upload portion. I'll have to look into that and figure out what's going on.

I was able to go to the Misc section and click the +Add Model button. I typed in "Test" and it loaded the next page, which was the edit form. I could flesh out the details, and from this page, I could then start adding colorways using the button at the bottom. If you can mirror that for now, I'll work on the image part.
Anthony Thomas
Apr 16, 2020 4:07 AM
Ok, will give it a try tomorrow. I want to upgrade the coins as my first test project and see if I can polish that small area up first. Next I want to go thru and try to upgrade the Case/microbags as a bigger project using Steve “PriceDollarz” Price’s excellent archive over at the Oakley Forum. If I can do those two things, then I would like to see if I can flush out some of the old Oakley history if it hasn’t already been done an try to capture some interesting storie, kind of like the Story Core Project, except with folks who were inside the old Oakley development. Be great to hear some of the ideas and project management solution guys like Yee and Jannard were generating. Who know maybe we run one of those guys down and they his contacts could draw in sine of the others to really tell Oakley collectors a much deeper and incite full story.
Anthony Thomas
Apr 17, 2020 4:42 AM
I made an edit to your test in the misc tab. It is now Ranger822 Test. I was able to edit everything except the colorway. When I click the colorway and skip adding an sku and just click the button I get a place to type in something. So, some progress, for sure. If you can then get that colorway to open a window to deaf and drop an image or allow for browsing the local computer for an image you will have a home run. Will check later to see what you have come up with. One idea has occurred to me is that when I uploaded image for my personal collection- your website has to store those in some sort of pre- determined image folder. If there was a way to tie that into a public accessible window and click that, that would be yet a third way to grab images.
Anthony Thomas
Apr 17, 2020 7:03 PM
Okay - looking at cleanup detail on the Case/Microbag.

Lets take the first entry . . . missing an image and datafields for the name of the bag is replaced with $10, then there is some kind of barcode . . . when I copy the image location
I get this. Which shows nothing but the blue question mark - suggesting the image path is not correct. I believe that if the image path can be corrected to this:


the image will show up and the name of the image "Urban Commuter Milan Microbag" - what it looks like to me is the forum member OXM-I tried to upload a microfiber bag but was not able to get the image path correct.

What is needed is the ability to set the proper image path and be able to edit the entire entry.
Anthony Thomas
Apr 17, 2020 7:28 PM
Some additional findings. In looking at the various entries for the Case/Microbag

Lets use the example of the Black Palm data entry:

There is small icon that looks for the an image here:


but what is showing in the DB is a blue question mark which I believe is the default image that shows when there is either no image residing at the assigned location or there is a fault in the path. From what I can tell all the small images are going to be or should be located in this location:


Now the large image should be located here:


and the image path will always be:

filename.jpg" target="_blank">http://o-review.com/image.php?family_path=cases&image=filename.jpg

What has occurred is that somehow these images have been lost, erased or something over time - because the image path looks right and matches other images which are showing up in the other data entries. I could fix this with access to that directory in the website or I can simply survey the glitches, make images for the missing stuff and provide you with a simple data file w/images to correct this yourself. I suspect there are quite a few areas of the DB that have image path issues or images have been lost somehow.

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