Title: S/M Medusa w/ goggles, Emerald Mars w/ box, coin, x metal vault case, AP attachable case, Emerald OTT w/ box, AP Leg Holster, Red Polarized Thump w/ vault case, box, Oakley World Travel USB set, and Red Orbital Blade w/ box, small soft vault, and small payday wallet
Title says it all! Had an epiphany and trying to really downsize on my collection. Please help me get rid of it all, as I am desperate and am selling at pretty low prices from what I bought at. Prices are also negotiable, but please do not try and lowball me as they will already be at fairly low prices! Everything is in great condition.
Medusa is in good shape! Was previously OReview's FAFA's
The OTT box is a little creased but nothing bad.
Can not find the emerald mars box so will be including a black iridium box with the coin.
Also, my photos will not upload directly here, so I will be posting a link to my imugr account with all of the photos. Each photo contains everything that will be sold as a set.
S/M Medusa w/ goggles- 1500
Emerald OTT w/ box-500
AP Leg Holster-175
Red Polarized Thump w/ vault case, box, Oakley World Travel USB set-250
Red Orbital Blade w/ box, small soft vault, and small payday wallet-200