Mike Oakley Fan
Aug 27, 2014 7:30 PM
Watch Winders

Sorry if this has been answered just used the search and there is none.

I wanted to asked everyone that has a TB1 and TB2 if anyone here use a watch winder for them, should we have one for them. If so what is the turns per day you have it set for and what directions. I am trying to see if I should get one or not.

Thanks in advance.
Dann Thombs
Aug 27, 2014 7:44 PM
A few people here have used them over the years, but did comment that it put some wear on the gears. Typically they would either just wear a Time Bomb, or if one was just used occasionally, they would set up to wind a day prior.

If you have an original, you also may want to look into replacing the capacitor, since the OEM one tends to not hold a charge after a few years (which will be all of them at this point)

Mike Oakley Fan
Aug 27, 2014 8:20 PM
Thanks for the fast reply. SO better to not put on a winder then for the TB2 as the gears may wear out quicker?

Thanks for the link, saw that just have not had a chance to do it yet.
Twenty Fifty
Aug 27, 2014 8:59 PM
It's really just a matter of how much convenience you want. A watch winder is convenient especially if you have many automatic watches and don't want to reset them every couple days when the mainspring winds down. Personally, I've never needed a watch winder, so my answer may be skewed. I just manually wind the TBII a half dozen or so rotations (though there are detractors of manually winding autos), set the time and wear it for the day.

I typically wind all my automatic watches once a month to give it some run time (about 20 rotations if I know I won't wear it). Like cars and anything with moving parts and lubricants, it needs to be used every so often to maintain performance.
Dann Thombs
Aug 27, 2014 9:03 PM
In the years I wore my TB 1, I never had an issue. Once I stopped wearing it, though, I couldn't get it to hold for any length of time.
bomb oakley
Jun 13, 2016 12:18 AM
My TB1, as little use, only on special occasions, and when present stops rotation of the hour, I catch them in your hands, do quick movements p / up ep / down by 20 times, so they return the inertial motion again, and then just put the arm w / the static body recharge the watch again, and TB1 navamente work perfectly.

The ideal is to use at least once a week in the arm w / the static body always keep the charge of the watch, even for a few hours is already enough

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