Tin Lasic
Dec 17, 2013 1:35 PM
Hey Guys!

I need an opinion regarding a Razor Blade purchase!

Recently came across some
original Razor Blades in Seafoam-White triggers/Grey lens and Neon Pink-black triggers/Grey lens.

The shades are completely new and fresh, straight from the time machine,
beacuse I already bought one from him for the same price. I just couldn't resist, I got original Neon Yellow/Grey Slit lens. On the box states 1989 as the year.

I just wondered WHICH colourway is rarer or would you personally prefer?

Tnx for the advice;)
Dann Thombs
Dec 17, 2013 1:37 PM
It's hard to assign relative rarity to 25+ year old glasses that are still in good condition. Personally I'd jump on the Seafoam since that's a nice color and may as well get the vintage ones now before the re-release Seafoam comes out in a few months and people start trying to pull fast ones. I tend to not care about the scarcity anyhow since I try to collect only the things I personally enjoy and like.

Great find on the Slit too. You're in an elite club with those for sure.
Tin Lasic
Dec 17, 2013 1:45 PM
Tnx for fast reply,
and tnx for the info, I didn't know
they were going to be Re Re-Released soon, since they already were
in 2005. But I guess there are going to be slight changes to the design (assuming, as there were in 2005). I am not a collector really but I much prefer the original design of the frame and the non-sferical lens
Will stick to your advice and get the original:)

Dann Thombs
Dec 17, 2013 2:01 PM
The 2005 was a bit different since they used modern tech. The re-release coming soon will be more like the Frogs since the original molds more-or-less will be used. I imagine they will be the same ones used for the STPL releases in 2010 as the Eye Shade will be included. Also they will be Blades, not RazorBlades, but the difference is only in the lens.
Thomas Jacob
Dec 17, 2013 3:02 PM
Go with the pink ones only because I feel your not going to see it often.
Tin Lasic
Dec 17, 2013 4:20 PM
Yes, but the original Blades, if I am not wrong,
came with straight arms. Not the twisted ones known for
Hopefully they make the same frame as the good ole Razors had:)

Dann Thombs
Dec 17, 2013 4:27 PM
The triggers came in the accessory kits later in the Blade System's life, so you do see more RB's outfitted in them. Slit lens was an accessory only too, so the model name sort of depended on the lens even if they weren't bought that way.

Naming conventions sort of evolved once we got to the M Frame, where we have Sweep, Heater, Strike and those are tagged on to the frame name. Same for Radar Pitch, Radar Path. I suppose to be technical you could call them the Blade System with RazorBlade lens or Blade System with Slit. Either way the stems ended up on both, and the re-release of the Blade will have triggers

Tin Lasic
Dec 17, 2013 4:31 PM
wow, nice!
tnx mate
Dann Thombs
Dec 17, 2013 4:41 PM
Any time
paul jewiss
Dec 17, 2013 6:09 PM
Id go seafoam personally as don't see as many of these but I'd also go for the one in best condition

Neon slit is a cool pickup :)
Tin Lasic
Dec 31, 2013 5:52 PM
One more thing, are there going to be any
spare lenses when re-released 2014?
Just in case if someone knows:)
The blade lens from the pic seems a little tall for my face,
it would be rad if the threw out some razor blade lenses
as well:3

Lots of FUN IN 2014!!!!!
Tin Lasic
Jan 5, 2014 2:31 PM
Here are some pics I want to share with you,
If you like, can put them to database or something..
(I think there isn't any picture)
Anyways the Neon Yellow Slits are already skiing:p


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