.Greg .F
Jun 25, 2015 2:01 AM
Excellent collection Greg. I recently counted my shoe collection the other day, 50 odd pairs!

I'm quite happy to take any size US 12 off your hands! I know that won't happen - Oakley Shoe nut

They arent size 12 but I have a couple of unreleased pairs Im going to let go of.
.Greg .F
Jun 26, 2015 1:54 AM
Excellent collection Greg. I recently counted my shoe collection the other day, 50 odd pairs!

I'm quite happy to take any size US 12 off your hands! I know that won't happen - Oakley Shoe nut

I think Ive got 5 pairs size 12 Im going to put together in a package deal.
Ben Cahoon
Jun 26, 2015 2:23 AM
Excellent collection Greg. I recently counted my shoe collection the other day, 50 odd pairs!

They arent size 12 but I have a couple of unreleased pairs Im going to let go of. - GRFMotorsports

What size are they?
Oakley Shoe nut
Damien Smith
Jun 26, 2015 2:29 AM

I think Ive got 5 pairs size 12 Im going to put together in a package deal. - GRFMotorsports

Hope a pair of Shoe three's are there....
.Greg .F
Jun 26, 2015 2:44 AM
Excellent collection Greg. I recently counted my shoe collection the other day, 50 odd pairs!

They arent size 12 but I have a couple of unreleased pairs Im going to let go of. - GRFMotorsports

What size are they? - Benjamin

.Greg .F
Jun 26, 2015 2:45 AM

I think Ive got 5 pairs size 12 Im going to put together in a package deal. - GRFMotorsports

Hope a pair of Shoe three's are there.... - Oakley Shoe nut

Im not letting go of any of the Shoethrees as far as I know. There is a shoe one but its not very pretty
Ben Cahoon
Jun 26, 2015 1:33 PM
Excellent collection Greg. I recently counted my shoe collection the other day, 50 odd pairs!

They arent size 12 but I have a couple of unreleased pairs Im going to let go of. - GRFMotorsports

What size are they? - Benjamin

9 - GRFMotorsports

:( too small..
Feb 9, 2018 12:56 PM

not a oakley but my MJ signed and authenticated by upperdeck!

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