Feb 10, 2005 9:17 AM
Is there anyway around this problem? I want to keep rubbing but it seems like I will just rub the iridium off the lenses. Is there any glass cleaner or soap that get's rid of it. Or does simply washing the bad help. Yes I am using the inside before you ask. I thought about buying another one but I remember reading that the older ones were better, but I reciently lost mine.


lectoid (lectoid - 2/10/2005 1:17:05 AM)
Jonathan Tung
Feb 10, 2005 9:36 AM
just wash them with your laundry and pick off any lint that might collect.

Jonathan Tung (DarkJuliet - 2/9/2005 10:36:03 PM)
John H
Feb 10, 2005 6:34 PM
according to a thread i'll go looking for in a minute, just washing them is bad

John Heins (john - 2/10/2005 9:34:37 AM)
Brian Johnson
Feb 10, 2005 7:04 PM
if the lens is clean, you won't rub the iridium off. you'd need some sort of abrasive to do that (grit on lens or microbag).


this stuff is designed mostly for microfiber towels used in washing cars, but will probably work really well on the bags. the key is lifting out the dirt and accumulated lens cleaner and other stuff out of the micro-fine weave, without disturbing the integrity of the fabric.

Brian Johnson (BrianJ1888 - 2/10/2005 11:04:02 AM)
Rob Barnhill
Feb 10, 2005 8:06 PM
Seeing as how that cleaning stuff costs $10, you might as well just buy a new bag.

Rob Barnhill (rebar71 - 2/10/2005 9:06:22 AM)
Brian Johnson
Feb 10, 2005 8:48 PM
John, that one?


Brian Johnson (BrianJ1888 - 2/10/2005 12:48:17 PM)
EJ Man
Feb 10, 2005 9:10 PM
the new bags suck, if you can find an old bag in a store buy one, if not SGH sell good ones that are very similar.

Alexis Watkins (LEX7 - 2/10/2005 6:10:37 PM)
John H
Feb 11, 2005 6:39 AM
yeah that one, thanks

my newest microfiber bag (the coarser material) has the sides of the tag sewn together, so you can't open it up and stick your finger in there (should you so desire) - anyone else get one like that?

John Heins (john - 2/10/2005 9:39:15 PM)
Brian Johnson
Feb 11, 2005 6:52 AM
I got one like that. It's a newer large bag. The tag on the side of the HJ replacement lens bags are sewn together.

Brian Johnson (BrianJ1888 - 2/10/2005 10:52:54 PM)
EJ Man
Feb 11, 2005 7:34 PM
yeah John thats the main way to tell if they are the new shitty bags.
i always poke my finger thru the old bags, so its annoying me i cant do it anymore.
dunno why they changed that bit aswell.

Alexis Watkins (LEX7 - 2/11/2005 4:34:25 PM)
John H
Feb 12, 2005 1:59 AM
i have one bag that has the open tag but the coarse microfiber - i guess it's a transitional phase bag

John Heins (john - 2/11/2005 4:59:31 PM)

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