michael cash
Oct 12, 2012 6:46 AM
I recently just got a pair of radar Xl straight stems. Idk what kind of lenses I can buy to replace them. Help
Francois C
Oct 12, 2012 11:25 AM
Any radar XL lens will fit : http://www.oakley.com/products/6334/23177
michael cash
Oct 12, 2012 8:46 PM
Okay thanks man! Appreciate it!. I'm looking for ones that you can't see my eyes any suggestions
Dann Thombs
Oct 12, 2012 8:47 PM
Anything with Iridium would be your best bet, but the Dark Grey lens also will do that.
Mayan Power
Paul S
Jul 6, 2014 9:11 PM
I am flying into Miami international in 18 days time as a stop over before i get to Costa Rica and I notice they have a few sunglasses shops. Does anyone know what they are like and if they carry Oakley. Also, is there any chance of them having retired pieces? I am specifically looking for Ducati Scapels or any X metal. Thanks guys
Jul 7, 2014 12:26 PM
I am flying into Miami international in 18 days time as a stop over before i get to Costa Rica and I notice they have a few sunglasses shops. Does anyone know what they are like and if they carry Oakley. Also, is there any chance of them having retired pieces? I am specifically looking for Ducati Scapels or any X metal. Thanks guys - Mayan Power

Most O-stores won't be carrying retired pieces simply because they either ship those off to vaults or waranty centers - like here in canada. Independent shops who carry oakley buy their inventory from oakley, so chances are if a piece didn't sell to well, they'll still have it since they can't simply ship them off to vaults, best bet would be a vault or independent shops?

I'm far from a miami local, but there seems to be an O-store in miami.

Good luck and all the best eh!
Mayan Power
Paul S
Jul 12, 2014 4:44 PM
Cool, thanks for the info.

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