Nov 22, 2010 8:01 AM
what is going on in usa?

since a few days i see some split thump 1GB for less than $100 or 2GB for $119.99 BNIB on ebay ... is there a sell-out at oakley?
MasChingon .
Nov 22, 2010 10:30 AM
pretty much
www.drchop shop.com
Nov 22, 2010 9:42 PM
cleared out all electronics.
Trevor F
Nov 23, 2010 2:40 AM
they were sold at a big wharehouse sale for $50 each, dont get taken on the bay.
Brent Haley
Nov 24, 2010 6:43 AM
i don't think being "taken" is the word to use here. Whatever people are selling them for is still way under retail and those select people that had the chance to get them were lucky to do so. If you were not there to buy a pair, $120-200 is still super cheap for a 2gb split thump. What this does though is totally screw the OPD's on trying to sell them at the retail price as we are instructed to do. Especially when they sell them at these events like this for almost $200 less than what a dealer would have to pay for them. Personally I think it is stupid, but this would not be the first stupid thing that this company has done and it will not be the last. Oh and there are several "not so stupid" things that are sprinkled throughout as well. lol!!
Trevor F
Nov 24, 2010 12:26 AM
when i was saying dont get taken...i meant dont pay too much like retail. i agree though that it does not help the OPD.
Brent Haley
Nov 24, 2010 1:12 AM
right on trevor, totally agree with that one. Just sucks how they do some of these things, they had kitchen sinks there too and super cheap, just total randomness at its finest for sure!
Trevor F
Nov 24, 2010 1:36 AM
my sister went and walked out with two 30 gallon garbage bags full of stuff...wish i could have went :o(
Brent Haley
Nov 24, 2010 2:20 AM
it really was not all that great like some of the last couple that they had. If you like tech apparel it was really good as there was a lot of snow apparel. Eyewear was terrible to put it in a good way but then again, it is a sale to get rid of stuff they didn't want. lol
Ian Morris
Nov 24, 2010 5:33 AM
In regards to Oakley being "stupid" about selling stuff below retail to friends and family: Everything at the sale was for the end user, as in "not to be resold." Now I know you can do what you will with your own property, and I have no objection to such use, but the idea was that Oakley was hooking us up because they are awesome and think we are awesome, not hooking us up so we could make a buck.

Furthermore, I seriously doubt that anyone in tune with Oakley enough to be invited to this sale, or even those who were blessed with dumb luck and timing (me), would pay retail prices for some of the things sold there. For example, I paid less than half of retail on my first Split THUMP.
Brent Haley
Nov 24, 2010 6:45 AM
it doesn't matter who it is technically intended for though and these are not under retail, these are wayyyy under wholesale, the same thing will happen that just happened on the thumps. I have 5 pair in my store stock from 512mb to 2gb. When these are blown out like this and people that bought these ebay them to profit 30 bucks over what they paid for them, it totally messes the retail market up. If you have that customer that occasionally checks ebay, they of course will buy one off of there, why in the world would the go to a dealer and pay $349 for it when they can buy it there for $120. Not that I would sell it that low as I would be losing my tail and then some. Oakley doesn't allow us to mark things down either so it is just kind of a screwy situation. They have also changed the prices over the last 6 months or so on the electronics and even if I were to send some of it back, I would lose money because they have a lower wholesale cost than when I bought them. I am one that is actually kind of happy to see the electronics go by the wayside due to the messed up price scale, if they can blow them out at the prices that they did, there is no reason for the escalated prices that the dealers have to pay snd why would they not offer these up to dealers who help drive their business at these prices. Just my 2 cents which might be worthless.
Also Ian, I am stoked that the fedoras fit bro! The clementine is with Josh so hook up with him and pick it up.
www.drchop shop.com
Nov 24, 2010 7:19 AM
It is funny to see this sentiment surface again. I agree 100% with Brent on the dealer end of things. They ultimately lose their a$$e$ on these deals, and it's a hit right through the wallet to get to their a$$e$. Sad to see that they do those things like that really. What inclination will a dealer/OPD have to participate in said programs in the future?? Not much, but it's really a damned if you do and damned if you don't deal. Sux pretty bad. On this end, it's great. Buying a full electronic like that for less than wholesale on the average pair of Fuel Cell shades is great!

Ian, I have your shades safe and sound. And once this damn weather warms a bit, I will be able to spray out that other one and finish Bigboy's pair too! I have 3 in line here and will have an issue getting paint to cure properly with this cold wet air...Hopefully it will warm up sooner than the projected Wednesday of next week! I wanna do up some sick shades!

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