Family: O Matter

This frame color is really controversial.I have it on one monster pup,and one eyepatch,and while I definitely like it,because it is really nice,when I put it on and cut off the light that passes through it and makes it shine,it gets so dark,and you really can't see any color at all,and what is really like.It's nice when you look the glasses from a distance,or when they are on the display,but it's really confusing when you put them on.Other crystal colors don't have this problem since they are more intense(olive/rootbeer),but this one is mild so it really blurs and you can't see a thing.However,I will grant it three skulls since still,the color is nice,and really works on any frame.
Wookieman -
A beatiful frame color for people who like brown, but are tired of boring old tortise or amber. It is understated and conservative, but somehow screams Oakley. It looks good paired with bronze or gold iridium, and paired with tungsten iridium it looks amazing.
Ian -
I have the Hijinx with this colorway. Very fashionable and very nice looking.
slackman -
Very cool frames. I have these in the Oil Drums. The only bad thing about these is that if you put dark lenses in it makes the frames appear extremely transparent.
True to its name, Brown Smoke sets the stage for frame color by combining a brownish hue with a translucent frame. The translucent characteristic of this frame really sets it apart from an ordinary brown (opaque) colorway and creates a unique chroma without being too gaudy.

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