Polished Black is a standard color that looks good on every frame and with every lens. I've got it on my Canteen and Gascan S. Combined with a Black Iridium (Polarized) you get a very classic look. It is said that black sunglasses look better on blonde or black haired people and brown sunglasses on all others. I would like to see Matte Black on more frames instead of Polished Black because it's not so boring.
A staple color to have. Works well in most any combination.
i got this cause u can put a dark black lens and scare ppl lol im just kidding but it really made my fire lens stand out a whole lot more. so if ur into standing out then go with the pol. black and pick a bright lens then its awesome
I think this is the 2nd best black color that Oakley has to offer. These are very similar to the jet black color. Its a very nice looking color and works well with all lens colors especially fire iridium.
Looks better on some models than others - but in general, it is a pretty generic looking frame. It is popular because it is so basic that it doesn't draw extreme reactions from people. It's just a really nice and glossy black frame.