
Defenderoftheo -
Yep, your on. Snipes is a big O fan and wanted to use the loby of the home office for some shots. They only took out the furnature so if you look close you can still see all the Oakley signs!
danrc51 -
You'll notice in the background of some the scenes some faint Oakley signage. Not surprising considering some of it was filmed on location at the Oakley factory.
kingphilbert -
Ron Pearlman is wearing Square Wires 2.0 in some of his scenes.
Dann -
Aside from being an awesome movie (ignore the silly 3D fight scenes anyway), the Oakley product placement gets a few models in. Blade wears his signature Fours throughout the movie, even in the dark as any Oakley nut does. The vampire assassins wear tricked out Overthetops with telescoping night vision goggles attached. Finally towards the end of the movie, the Fat Vampire who got away tries to enter a peep show while wearing the standard Mars.
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All personal photos © 2004-2025 by their owners...or Rick.