Family: Eyewear


fullback -
These lenses are perfect for medium to bright conditions. If you want something other than the Black or Grey Iridium, the Ice is it. It has a nice hue looking from the outside and its comfortable looking through.
Farlius -
Have Ice in my Splice and it's badass. It has a great reflectivity and it up there with Ruby and +red iridium as far as how strking the color can be. As advertised, great for extreme and bright light conditions.
xtremehardy388 -
Many of my friends have these in their half jackets. Not too bad of a lens. Almost NO blue tint, though. It's almost like a mixture between black iridium and fire iridium.
plutonium54 -

The ice iridium lens is not exactly what I expected.It's definitely a very nice lens to look at(one of the oldest lens colors of oakley,let's not forget that),but I'm not really satisfied by their brightness reducing properties.With a light transmission of 10%,like oakley describes,I would expect them to cope with sun better than,at least,what I get.Don't get me wrong,They're just not as dark as the black iridium,although they have the same light transmission.Apart from that,they have a very nice tint,even for me,that I'm in favor of contrast lenses in general,and can be really worn on very bright days.If I wasn't aware of their light transmission,I would say that they're somewhere between the +red and the black iridium.Anyway,it's something that I can put up with,specially when I see that impressive reflection of the outer side of theirs on some mirror.
marc -
Had this in my bottle cap cool active lens a good replacement from my polarised lens can see through LCD clearly good for cycling. Funky and cool.
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