Family: Eyewear


Dann -
I have this lens in my X Metal XX's and Plate's. I find this lens to be particularly useful in the bright sunlight, and not so much in the evening or dusk. However, for that mid-day sun, it is a gorgeous lens hue. The iridium has a nice golden mirror effect, and the tint makes everything a bit more orange. I never have to squint while using this lens.
PaulT00 -
This is a truly great lens. I only have one pair - X-metal XXs - and find myself wearing these virtually all the time in high summer. The orange/brown base tint is very comfortable and improves contrast - as others have said, greens really pop! The only way this lens could be improved IMHO is with added polarisation. The light transmission is perfect - they're comfortable to wear in full sun (at least in the UK) and I can go indoors or into deep shade and still be able to see clearly, which I can't do with any of the black iridium variants. I have a spare pair of these lenses hidden away somewhere safe - bought in early 2013 from Oakley direct - as I would be gutted if something happened and I couldn't replace a damaged lens. I have a feeling that it won't be long before these are no longer available even as spares from Oakley.
Feelin'Froggy -
I have them in Shawn White Frogs. Definitely loud on the outside, but still really cool. You've just got to have the confidence to pull them off. From the inside, a pleasure to look through.
Celicagame -
Like others have said this is an amazing lens to look at, it's a real eye catcher. My problem with it is looking through it. I really don't like the orange/bronze tint. I usually don't have that problem with titanium or tungsten lenses but this one bothers me.
This is one trully great lens.An oakley timeless piece of eyewear.Impressive either you look through it,or look at it.With a very shiny,bright 24k coating,it no doubt stands out.Internally,what you get is a very nice subtle,mild yellow tint,which I really enjoy.It's soothing to the eye,and very relaxing.The contrast is present,but not as aggresive as the plain gold iridium.However this colour isn't used widely any more.In the past it was used in many eye jackets,the plate,x metal xx,minutes and many more.I thought that oakley abandoned them for a while,but htey re-appeared in the holbrooks.I hope that in the future we will see many more of this one.On the down side,they do tend to scratcch easily.It appears that they can't even stand the wiping with the microclear bag.every time I clean them,I constantly find new scratches.But still they're nice.
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