Not a whole lot to say about this kit, except that it is Unobtanium, and that pretty much means it's awesome ... as long as you can get the earsocks on the earstems!!!
This is a kit and comes with two earsocks and two nosebombs. While I am not aware if Oakley still does this on new frames, the Split Jacket / Racing Jacket kits are split between Earsocks and nosebombs. I bought this kit for $10 each and included the four pieces. Compared to $10 for each earsock and nosebomb kit on the Split/Racing, I am kinda missing the good 'ol days.
First time I tried this with a new kit, I got a blister on my finger from twisting so much. Earsocks are usually cumbersome to put on but this one felt like I was going to break the frame. Eventually I figured out that 1) let the pieces sit in the warmest water the sink can put out 2) occasionally knead the earsocks to soften them up a bit 3) get a q-tip damp (just damp) with baby oil and run it through each earsock tip to tip. 4) they slide on pretty easy.
I have only owned black, goldenrod and rootbeer earsocks, but I am guessing there is two different types based on color. The black and goldenrod are solidly opaque and only get sticky when they becomes old and worn. The rootbeer, on the other hand, seems to be a touch sticky even when new or nearly new. I am wondering if this has to do with the semi-transparent formula of the rootbeer.
The nosebombs gave me no such trouble. Althought I am partial to removing each bomb from top to bottom off their hooks and installing the new bomb bottom to top. Going bottom up seems less likely I might bend or break a nosebomb hook; even if I am not, still don't want to risk it.
This also constitutes the last of the "old school" Oakley's as the 'Made In USA' is written on the earsock instead of the actual frame.
Andrei Pereira Pernambuco -

Good Afternoon!
My name is Andrei and I live in Brazil. I would like to purchase the nosepeaces earsock kit for the model of sunglasses Oakley X Metal XX Black Iridium. You have this kit for sale? It would be possible to send to Brazil?
I look back ...
Andrei Pereira Pernambuco