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adrian13 -
Color: black

Looks: One of the coolest oakley backpack at that time. Just looked aboslutely gorgeous hanging on the wall in the O store or on ur back. Well-constructed, cool zipper taps.
Functionality: So many bells and whistles, I feel it needs an instruction manual. Straps buckles zips and compartments galore. The snowboard holder was a cool touch.
Minus points: The weight! Weighs a tonne even when empty. One of the heaviest backpacks I've ever owned.

All in all, a beautiful piece of oakley design. A must-have backpack for oakley fans along with the kitchen sink icon pack and toolbox.
BronzeT -
COLOR:Olive Green

First thing I noticed about this pack is how much of a pain it is to open/close the zippers (side of bag).Definitely a sport specific type of pack.For everyday use (school or gym) not a good idea since you have to unsnap several clasp just to get to the main compartment.
Dimension wise its real close to an Icon but I really doubt that this could hold as much due to the padding.I got it mainly because its different and Vault store got them for half price.
Proteinz -
awesome looking bag, but frankly, it is so heavy. This bag empty weighs quite a bit with the internal plastic frame. I decided not to use this while snowboarding because it would be too much of a burden. I use it in school during winter as the padding is really nice, and it can hold quite a bit.

The bag is excellent except for its major flaw: tooo heavy.

I'm just saying it as it is.
jumpman73 -
This is a cool looking bag with really cool ideas if you snowboard. I wouldn't recommend using it if you aren't using it for its true function. If you want a bag for everyday use just get the wet/dry pack or the icon.
fitguy -
Color: Black

I used this every day for a week whilst boarding in the alps.

Two gripes:

- firstly the waist strap kept coming loose. Not a major problem but a pain.
- secondly one day whilst going thorugh a snowstorm I found out that not all of the pockets are waterproof. Fortunately it was only the pocket I was keeping snacks in, but if id had a ski pass in there I would be pretty sick.

Oakley would do well to supply 'instructions' with a bag like this. There are so many pockets, linings and straps wasnt sure what was what @ first and it took me about 2 days to work out the vertical board strapping system.

All that aside, for snowboarding it is probably the most technical bag on the market and it does what its made for.

If however Id paid full price and had leaking pockets id be pretty miffed.

For the guys asking about it as a day pack, its not designed for that and wouldnt be advisable. Its heavy, the zips can be a pain to get open & shut (soppesedly the waterproofing!!) and compared to the other oakley back-packs doesnt hold as much (and you could end up losing stuff in there if you forget what compartment you put it in!)
o-xide -
This is just to answer Mike's question. First of all, make sure this is authentic, I have seen fake ones floating around Ebay. secondly, make sure you got the snowpack and not the wet/dry pack because they look so similar. and finally if you meet all criteria the then it should be the back padding that splits open into 2 so you can strap down a snowboard into it
Oti -
Color:Sheet Metal
I just bought it 2 days ago and I’m still in shock. When I first saw it on the web page I knew right there I had to have it. In real life it looks even better, it has tons of pockets and features, the built quality is just great and it’s SO! comfortable. I also use it as a everyday bag, because you can hide in special pockets all the straps you can’t use all the time. I don’t think anyone will be disappointed. It’s just …all that. I love it.
o-xide -
I think I would like the Olive or the Sheet Metal color better but as far as construction is concern...this bag is the bomb! Very similar looking as the Wet/ Dry Pack yet so different. This bag is the ultimate snowboarders bag especially it can carry snowboards!
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