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The Game -
I'll start off by saying I'm not a fan of the OO series of polarized lenses the company has put out. I don't like the g40 base and wish they would've stuck with blue tint of the original +red iridium. That said this is probably the best lens in the OO series. Great for riding on pavement and for casual wear.
arvind -
These were part of my first oakley glasses , the jupiter squared , they are absolutely amazing to look through and to look at. They are excellent for even driving in low light conditions , and nothing can beat oakley's polarization . Eyes are definitely visible at most angles but tht adds to the looks because people are more comfortable with conversations that way . Only disadvantage is that here in India it gets pretty hot and extremely sunny so the lens does not help much in an afternoon sun and i still need to squint a bit !
patcatuk -
I got this lense as well as a persimmon lense with a polished black jawbone with red pivot and metallic red logo. This is a high contrast lense. The polarization works well, removes a massive amount of glare, but, when looking at LCD screens the colours are a little strange with a recurring rainbow lines and looking at airport flight details on LCD screens the polarization makes them unreadable.

The amazing thing is when used for driving, the dashboard reflection on the windscreen is removed completely as well as all the glare from outside of the car. I even want to use this lense for night driving because of its ability to remove most of the sparkle from on coming headlights, but, the lense blocks all the light reflected off the road so you cannot see the road.

For use in the UK, Hong Kong and anywhere else with mostly grey overcast skies the 00 shines. It only shows itself to be not dark enough only during very sunny noon hours. Increases contrast and cheers up the dull light with its pinky rose behind the lense view. For use in the tropics, the sweet spot hours are 6am-10am and 2pm-6pm. Your eyes are relaxed during these hours, the brighter 10am-2pm you end up squinting and wishing that the tint was darker, but, it is certainly useable and better than no lense at all. I am very happy with this lense and especially as a package combination with persimmon lense. It is certainly more interesting than my other choice a jawbone with a black iridium and yellow lense combination.
Tako -
I have an oakley jawbone with 3 other lens (including: vented yellow, vented black iridium, and black persimmon transitions)besides the OO Red Iridium Polarized. Everyone has their preference, but the red iridium are my personal favorite of the 4. I love the polarization, and the tint. They look aesthetically pleasing to me as well. I wouldn't suggest them to anyone because you really should try them on before you buy.
distaste -
I bought a pair of jawbones with polorized fire iridium lenses. The hands down best glasses and lenses I have owned yet. Being able to open your glasses up and clean the whole lens and clean the edeges is Oakleys best invention. I hate it when dirt gets into the corners and it takes forever to clean out. A minute and my whole glasses and frames are spotless. The money might be more that I wanted to spend, but it didnt take long before I didnt care how much I spent due to the fact I never take them off in the day and noticed the huge difference everytime there is a glare somewhere. Other cars windows always throw a nasty glare and it really takes it away. Three words.. Over the Top.
Jason -
Without explanation , belt like you're not wearing lenses, or better with a high contrast lens and clear to see. Like in city drive or run all the day. My Favorite lens. Open my eyes to see things of Oakley is Unique. Can create more with this concept.
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