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lamb -
I love these lenses for bicycling. Extremely fast changing and you can hardly notice the change so for outdoor sports I give the full 5 stars. However I agree with others that they don't darken enough to "cover" the eyes and are not the best lenses for normal use. For driving a car these are not good at all because windshield block UV so they don't darken. So for only lenses maybe 2 or 3 stars but for outdoor sports where you go from shades to bright light (golf, cycling etc.) full 5 stars
I'm different from everyone else, I personally don't like lenses that are too dark. So these lenses are actually great for my taste. They do not get grey as shown on oakley's website, but they do get a slight darker in bright conditions. The lenses are great for seeing a vivid contrast.
Ian -
I bought this lens in a sunglass for my wife. After a week, I thought they were defective, since I never saw a change. They're extremely expensive, they don't work correctly, and the claimed tints are both very light for most conditions. Steer clear of this lens.
da kaz -
Not too pleased. Looked darker on the web page. Transition rate and darkness was disappointing. I like my lens to be dark enough so it's hard to see my eyes and blocks out a lot of light, but these are more like fashion lenses that just alter coloration. For places and times usually with strong sunlight, you'd be better off getting non-transition lenses. These are probably good for those that need the lightened state a lot...but I don't, so I will be returning these.
c50hp -
Very, very satisfied with these lenses.
Mounted on Flack Jacket in XLJ version, they work as advertised. They change very quikly to the dark state (few seconds) while it takes longer to get the clear state.
I was worried about how dark they could become, but no problems here. Tested on the snow in a sunny day and they were perfectly confortable.
BJvP -
Fair. It is convenient not to switch lenses, but:
- Change slowly (one minute?) to darkened state.
- Flares inside the lens, although in perfect state.
- There is no stable state between the light and the dark state, this means that when it is a little cloudy it is often either too light or too dark.
The colours are comfortable in both states, and I do like it for cycling. But in the end, I think you are better of with G30's which can also be used in many circumstances. Although I love Oakley, I am afraid that your eyes are much better at adaptation than your Oakley's.
Icon208 -
Very disappointing. Slow to change, and never really gets to the darkened state.

Save your money.
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