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This is one of those boxes that you wish you had kept when you look back 10 years from now. I had a couple of them so I took the box and unfolded it completely. I then cut the sides and turned it into a SI Poster and had it custom framed and matted. If you look in my collection you can see it hanging on my wall in my bedroom. Just an idea guys.... if you are looking for something Oakley and cool to hang on the wall in your man Cave.
travee -
Nice looking box. Big triangle with special forces on top. No real use for it so I threw it out.
american image -
the design of the box is similar to the displays from the eyewear. lot of industrial design to it. The red SI logo is like the cream on a pie. very cool
Dann -
Very cool box, which is a nice change from the other boxes that the shoes come in. The SI logo is front and center, and can be use to display other O pieces.
bong -
very bold and industrial looking box design, with a huge red triangle and rivets. perfect for selling the pair of boots that's inside them.
adamjmoore -
Color: Silver / Red Logo
Big Silver cardboard box with a red special forces triangle on top of it. It managed to hold back the unstoppable march of Oakleys assualt boots until I could get them on my feet. Once in place their air of invincibility was only too apparent :)
O-Review Logo & Design
© 2004-2024 Atom Crown Design and DCJ Productions.
Product Images, Logos and Artwork © 1975-2024 Oakley Inc.
All personal photos © 2004-2024 by their owners...or Rick.