JT_24: Justin Teitelbaum
Age: 29 / New York
November 27th, 2018 - 6 years ago (1 logins)Last Login6 years agoFound by
Doing O Research
Hi all!
New member but I visit the site at least twice a week. I've worked for the company for a little over 2 years now and its been the best work experience of my young life. I've tried to diversify my collection as much as possible, but I always seem to come back to the Jawbreaker as my go to pair. Excited to finally be a member and I look forward to interacting with everyone!!

Nov 28, 2018 2:24 AM
Hi all!
New member but I visit the site at least twice a week. I've worked for the company for a little over 2 years now and its been the best work experience of my young life. I've tried to diversify my collection as much as possible, but I always seem to come back to the Jawbreaker as my go to pair. Excited to finally be a member and I look forward to interacting with everyone!!
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