elizabethhorkesley: Elizabeth Bowman
August 13th, 2012 - 12 years ago (7 logins)Last Login12 years ago
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ID anyone please?
Aug 14, 2012 7:43 PM
I know! My first pair I bought just before my 0.4s; I don't know the model - lovely blue frames with lenses that made everything look golden - but my boyfriend lost them. However he is now my husband, so I did forgive him. Eventually.
Aug 14, 2012 5:10 PM
Hi, I just found this forum last night after spending about 2 hours trying to identify my cherished old Oakleys from my more carefree days back in the 90's....thanks to your gallery I think I have now identified them as Zero 0.4 squared small in Sleet! They've been lying forgotten in a drawer for 15+ years, so I won't feel so bad about letting them go now if I can find such an Oakley fan base this side of The Pond. Good luck, it was a funky place to visit!
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