Sadly - Amazon cut the price to $99 the week they were released.
They sold 150,000 the first 3 days. The reviews have been pretty much the same. Great hardware - still old school software.
Iphone 4.0 sold 1.5 million in the first 3 days.
I have been watching this closely because I have a vested interest.
My Dallas office has the contract to assemble these phones and I went down there for a week to manage the project. They needed 180 people in 2 weeks on 2 shifts to keep up with demand.
Sadly - they have requested none at this point to start work. Crackberry has fallen way short on the software for this product. It has hurt businesses on pretty much every level besides their own.
I have the Bold and it rocks for work but the web interface is abysmal. Was really hoping this would be better. It is better than what I have but still old school compared to others.