Greg W
Jan 2, 2009 9:16 PM
I was just looking at the Be like no other page on the Oakley website and it got me thinking. On there you see people showing off their custom glasses with different lenses showing you what they look like when they are being worn. Sure we all know what black and fire iridium look like on but what do others look like? If you don't have a local store to look at the lenses and can only order online you may not know what the differences are. I love Oakley products but I'm not an aficionado so don't know for sure the differences in some lenses. For instance what are the actual differences of the looks of G30 and G40? On the Oakley site they look very similar but how different are they on?
I think we should have a thread or part of this site showing pictures of the actual lenses being worn. It should be a factual thread or part of the site and not just for PW's lol.
What do you guys think of this? If it hasn't already been done however.
Jan 3, 2009 1:56 AM
I don't have pics but at least I can tell you that the iridium on the G30 enhances contrasts, colors & depth perception.
David Lee
Jan 3, 2009 3:01 AM
It's not a bad idea...but there aren't too many people here with the camera skills (including me) to get a picture that really shows a difference or the lens itself.

Oakley.com has a lot of Photoshop work to make the lenses stand out.

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