Nick Salazar
Aug 7, 2007 2:39 AM
Does anyone know if the Asian Fit lenses will fit into a standard Radar frame? Oakley.com shows Slate and Slate Vented for the Asian Fit Radars ... but no such luck in the standard frame. I want me some Slate!
sir tobias reedley
Aug 7, 2007 3:03 AM
Range is the only cut that is interchangeable. Path and Pitch are both different than their standard-fit counterpart.
Nick Salazar
Aug 7, 2007 7:38 PM
Hm ... I called the warranty department yesterday, and they said that Asian fit and Standard fit Path lenses are interchangeable, but arab_pete seems to know what he's talking about, and just looking at Oakley's product images inclines me to believe him:

Standard Path:

Asian Fit:

Notice the different shapes -- the Asian fit lenses seem to tuck closer to the frames near the hammerstems. It's similar to the difference between Hybrid and Sweep lenses for the M-Frame.

@arab_pete: do you have both sets? How do you know that they don't fit?
sir tobias reedley
Aug 7, 2007 8:13 PM
To further clarify a previous point...

There is no asian-fit Range. The geometry of the Range cut works for Asian faces, so no A-Fit sku's were even produced. Retail accounts who sell primarily asian-fit pieces just use the standard Range in their product mix.

As far as Asian-Fit Path or Pitch, you can probably wedge the lenses into the frame with some force, but it's not necessarily advisable. But then again, with enough force you can do all sorts of madness.

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