. .
May 16, 2007 4:47 PM
sorry if this info is in another thread but i cant find it using search.
does anyone know what the uk tax is for bringing oakley sunglasses in.
i might ship some there but the receiver does not know the import tax if any.
Dann Thombs
May 16, 2007 5:02 PM
Label it as gift and put the declared price around $30 or so. Then it doesn't matter, since they won't tax it.
. .
May 16, 2007 5:39 PM
yeah but im afraid if it gets 'misplaced' then they (insurance) will refund me the amount of $30 only based on the price i declared it as?
Martin Brown
May 16, 2007 5:39 PM
As long as it's declared as a gift you can get away with declaring up to about $70 in vlaue, about half of that if it 's not a gift. If the declared value is above that then it may be liable to %17.5 VAT, a delivery handling charge anywhere between £4 and £13.50 and a duty tax of anywhere from %2-3 upwards. In practice you wont be charged duty and it's luck of the draw if your item gets checked for value that you will have to pay the other fees - a lot of it depends on the service used ie UPS is more likely to be checked than standard USPS airmail.
So as long as you're happy to send as a gift with a low value then it should be ok.
Hope this has helped, just be glad it's not Norway you are sending to which can have %50 tax of items over $100 or so!
. .
May 16, 2007 5:44 PM
holy shoot yeah this helps a lot. thanks a lot.
just one last question, those VAT, delivery surcharge, extra custom duty 2-3 pound, etc, it will have to be paid by receiver right since i already mailed it?
and what of the insurance again? i dont think it will hold claiming us 175 if i declare it as 70.
thanks again.
im gonna copy the info you give and keep it for reference.
Martin Brown
May 16, 2007 6:07 PM
Hi again. I wouldn't worry about it now if you have sent it.

If there is a charge to pay then the person you have sent it to will have to pay it before he gets the item. The chances of it getting stopped by customs over here are about 1 in 3 so he probably wont have to pay.

The chances of it going missing are slim so think positively and you wont have to claim on the insurance. You are right though, if you declared it as $70 value then that's all you could claim back.

Hope this has helped and you can always give me a PM if you need to know more in the future.

. .
May 16, 2007 6:15 PM
thanks again. a lotta help. so that means even if taxed the total wont pass 21% im assuming.
i guess thats all i need to know.
how do i delete this thread?
i dont see a lot of threads here so i assume 'taken care of' issues are deleted
Julien B.
May 16, 2007 6:55 PM
I'm wondering what your saying about the insurance. I always thought that in the case the item gets lost/damaged, you'll have to send them a bill of the article in the package. I thought that the "value" you've written on the package doesn't matters then... is that wrong? If I'm wrong and the value matters - why not send a hundred empty packages with a max value and wait for one to get lost/stolen...

steve coulson
May 16, 2007 7:04 PM
i get stuff sent from the US on a weekly basis...

The smaller stuff normally goes straight through, no extra tax applied.

Larger stuff (box dvd's and above) are now getting picked up on, i think becuase people are looking out for stuff because so much is coming thorugh due to the weak dollar.

Personally I always get it declared for its full value, if you put $30 down and it goes missing youll end up with about £15 for a £200 pair of glasses.

Also the tax is applied to the shipping costs too not just the value of the item, and Parcelfarce normally add a £10 'handling fee'.

Finally not all shops will mark something as a gift. Personally I get stuff marked for testing and destruction purposes - goes striaght through, but I am dealing with prototype bike parts and it definately applies to my snowboards!!
. .
May 16, 2007 7:18 PM
i dunno ijon.
never tried claiming before. just wondering if they will cover the damages up to amount declared.
hmm useful info bout the tax added to shipping. that sucks.
so when you get oakley shades shipped to you, do you pay tax? (considered small enuff?)
Julien B.
May 16, 2007 7:25 PM
Well about the tax - stuff coming from non-EU countries to germany goes to the customs almost every time if the package is big, small packages arrive straight at my door in 2 of 3 times I think.
. .
May 17, 2007 7:00 AM
oh yeah hey speaking of which,
do you know the price of $175 radars selling for in pounds in germany and england?
that would be a big help. thanks

never mind. got it. got to google it
May 17, 2007 1:23 PM
They use Euros in Germany!

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