Roger Byrne
Mar 12, 2007 7:44 PM
OK its been a while since i posted here but the O has been keeping me very busy.

Since the Main site has been overhauled recently, i took the oportunity over the weekend to update OAKLEY UNDERGROUND

the new address is


sign up for the rss feed


Feel Free to email me with any comments, and you can also leave comments or questions in the news pages.

Mar 12, 2007 7:06 PM
Great looking site you've got there. Congrats.
Clean layout and easy to navigate.
Some nice looking wallpapers: lick is my personal fave ;-)
Love to get some more inside news on Oakley Europe/UK !
Roger Byrne
Mar 12, 2007 7:16 PM
Thanks !

I'll try to keep it as up to date as possible with what im allowed to post on there. i'll be adding some new wallpapers when i get the chance to play around on photoshop (they keep me pretty busy though so it might be a while)
Andrew Gregory
Mar 13, 2007 12:21 PM
pretty cool site Roger, I love the wallpapers...keep em coming.
Hans Bak
Mar 13, 2007 2:53 PM

I tried to look at your site here at work (sssst), but than something strange happens.
At first the site is building up. At the point where the buttons on the top are appearing, the content is buildng down again. Pictures that were shown, just disappear and the buttons never show. Finally, there's only one picture left...
Yesterday at home it looked alright, so I don't know what is blocking your content, but other sites do work fine here (oakley.com, o-review.com i.e.)

Here are some screenshots to show what I mean.

Site is building up, buttons start to appear.

Site is building down again.

Until this is left

Whith only one lonely pic.

I do not put this here to take you or your site down, I only want to help you improve what seems to be a good looking site!
Roger Byrne
Mar 14, 2007 8:37 PM
seems to work fine on all the browsers i've tested, safari IE6, firefox, camino, opera. maybe try clearing your cache and see if that helps.

thanks for the feedback though, i'll keep an eye on it
The Twakkie
Mar 15, 2007 12:27 AM
Hi there,

I think a section to showcase exclusives. Like a Rider Exclusive section, Sub Exclusive, but mainly Sport Marketing. The O makes some crazy stuff for sports Team, which no one really get to see.
Roger Byrne
Mar 15, 2007 4:40 PM
Good Idea. I'll See what i can come up with
Roger Byrne
Mar 19, 2007 2:07 PM
200 hits in it's first week, the old site only managed 3000 in a just over a year.

Thanks guys for taking time to have a look and to those who have mailed me ideas and compliments

Matt the german
Jun 3, 2007 5:43 PM
thanks for your site you fanatic :o)
Roger Byrne
Jun 10, 2007 7:36 PM
Small Update

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