B Tang
Jan 14, 2007 11:51 AM
Well after finally getting around to trying a Romeo II out and seeing that it looked great on me, and finding out that Half Jacket lenses could fit in them to boot, I decided to finally pick up a pair. Just got it in the mail today, Polished with Titanium Ir. They look perfect on me but unfortunately the bottom edge of the lenses are always in contact with my cheekbones. I believe what I need are larger nosebombs than what comes with the Romeo II to push the frame higher up on my nose, so my question is, does there happen to be nosebombs from maybe some other series that might fit on the Romeo II? I tried the Juliet's and the nosebombs are too tall to fit securely. I was thinking perhaps the Half Jacket's? I remember them having a pretty chunky pair of larger nosebombs and it's also a short and stubby nosebomb like the Romeo IIs. Can anybody out there with both pairs give it a try?

I'm also somewhat hoping that once I get around to trying some standard sized HJ lenses, that maybe the lenses will finally clear my cheekbones if I can't find larger nosebombs. I'm reaaaally looking forward to the modding!
Dann Thombs
Jan 14, 2007 10:14 PM
The HJ ones are too small. I suppose you could somewhat get them hooked on, but they'd still be smaller than the R2 ones and wouldn't help you much.

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