Brian Salazar
Jul 6, 2006 9:38 PM
Justin- My plan is take my lens and attach it to a canteloper or other melon to simulate a head. I don't want to put it in a frame for fear of damaging the frame. Its not a scientfic test by any means but it is a lot of fun.
Joe Sumney
Jul 6, 2006 9:54 PM
Takes pics and video pleeeease!! :)
Justin "Scorpion Zero" Jones
Jul 6, 2006 9:57 PM
Haha, sweet. You definately need pics and video.
sees you
Jul 6, 2006 11:13 PM
I'm sure if Mythbusters did bring it up, Oakley could produce Many videos & official test results in a moments notice.
I've also been sprinkled with shot inside 50 ft & it barely left a mark & didn't break the skin. It was steel however, Lead may have been different
I Con
Jul 6, 2006 11:43 PM
You need a frame. The frame provides extra rigidity, not to mention extra shock absorption.

I seriously doubt there's anyone walking around out there with a heater lens just taped to their head, so the test would be kinda pointless without a frame.
sees you
Jul 6, 2006 11:47 PM
Yes but for the very unscienific OR rusults I think it would be more for entertainment value than actually reproving a test
I Con
Jul 7, 2006 12:06 AM
Well if it's just for entertainment, let's do some REALLY fun testing.

-Dunk lens in a pint of Steel Reserve overnight, see if it dissolves. (From my point of view, it's much more important that the lenses stand up to spilled beer than stray gunshots)
-Find willing (or stupid) tester, and poke him in the eyes with two forked fingers. Then let him wear the M Frame and do it again. Extra points if he doesn't blink.
-Get David Blaine to wear M-Frames in a sauna for two weeks. (anti-fog test)
-While wearing clear or HI Yellow M-frame, tell stories about your tour in 'Nam. (er... "how much more believable will your war stories be while wearing M Frames" test)
Brian Johnson
Jul 7, 2006 12:11 AM
no, I'm not in any sort of technical profession. I'm in business school currently. So I'm pretty good with researching, finding numbers and figuring out what they're supposed to mean. this stuff is out there on the internet.

as for getting hit with a shotgun blast:
"It is generally accepted by those involved in the wound ballistics field that a minimum penetration of twelve inches of 10 percent ordnance gelatin is one of the criteria needed to provide reliable incapacitation of a human assailant."
quoted from above site about Combat Shotguns

they have the data for #4 Buckshot (like the ANSI test) listed @ 7yds to be between 9-11 inches. I'm fairly certain that this refers to a center-mass shot and not one directly to the face.

so you country boys who get shot all the time: make sure it's no bigger than #4 Buck. OOO Buck moves you into the 14-16 inch range which, in the head or not, means you've got bigger problems than your eyes to worry about.

here's the requirements of ANSI z87.1:
pay attention to the right side, as it entails the latest version of the testing requirements, updated from 1989.

If my numbers aren't to anyone's liking, I'm sure one of engineers can enlighten us further.

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