P-P. Henneken
Jun 19, 2006 4:49 AM
Having replaced my Juliet lenses (which is very easy using the right tools) I would also like to modify some XX frames. These however have no screws of any kind to hold the lenses in the frames. How does one change these?

I suppose it's a matter of pushing them outside (to the front). But is there a way to minimize chances of cracking the lens? Start at the top, bottom, side, who can shed some light on this matter!

A friend of mine wants to change his Minute glasses, I suppose the same method can be used for him?
Joe Sumney
Jun 19, 2006 4:51 AM
O-Matter lense changes are really easy. For starters, dont' worry about breaking the lense. To pop it out, hold the frame, pull the top and bottom of the orbital apart slightly, while pushing the lense outward. Putting a lense in can be a bit trickier, but not by much. I like to slide the outside of the lense into the groove first, then slide along the outside of the lense towards the nose. You'll know it's in place because you'll feel it snap into the groove and usually hear the click.
P-P. Henneken
Jun 19, 2006 5:25 AM
Alrighty! Thanks! Good to know it's not that difficult and that there's no worry about breaking the lens! Just made a bid on some Titanium Polarized XX's but I don't like the framecolor so if I win these I will take out the lenses. I have some other XX's with Emerald lenses I don't really like so I would like to replace those.
Jun 19, 2006 8:13 AM
I personaly pull the upper part of the orbital upwards and pop it out. Real easy. Just gotta find the weak point and it shouldn't take you much effort. To put it back in is a lil' more tricky but still doable.
Jun 19, 2006 8:25 AM
Are you bidding on a XX with Bronze frame?Bronze actually looks alot better that what the picture shows.
P-P. Henneken
Jun 19, 2006 12:52 PM
Yes, Bronze it was. The price went up a bit too high. If I had known the brown frame looked nice I might have a bit higher but on the supplied pictures it didn't look great. Oh well, these glasses will pass by once in a while. I usually find it very hard to not "overbid yourself". If you really want something you tend to increase your bid, and again, and again. Tricky business.

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