Kimberly R
Nov 5, 2005 4:00 AM
Insurance here usually doesn't cover eyes, but YMMV.

One of the factors for choosing the Oakley brand was the quality of the rx lenses. I don't need them ATM, but to know that I can get them is nice. Is there any other company that can do curved Rx lenses other than Oakley?

But at the price of 200usd, if you're not squeamish about contacts, and you have a perscription that is contact-friendly (I have an astigmatism in one eye and can wear contacts), you may want to consider that as an option.

Then, if you want to Rx one of your sunglasses as a just-in-case or a "I don't feel like putting them in today", then that's completely an option.

Contacts don't hurt. If they hurt, you haven't found the right pair for you. And if the person who's helping you can't be bothered, go somewhere where they will take the time to find the right fit for you.
Wilson Ng
Nov 5, 2005 9:13 AM
i agree Plainsong... i have a pair of Oakley RX sunglasses for those days where i don't feel like putting on contacts. however, that script is well over five to six years ago... maybe it's time to get another pair of Oakley RX sunglasses. ;)

as for contacts, i can't imagine life without them. i felt so liberated the first day i got mine, and immediately bought myself a brand new pair of Oakleys to celebrate the occasion. with contact lenses, if they don't feel right, then something isn't right... you'll have to go back to your optometrist to get another fitting. with my contact lenses, i don't feel a thing most of the time... only when they start to dry out they get a bit uncomfortable. a few drops of rewetting solution usually does the trick.
Kimberly R
Nov 5, 2005 5:38 PM
Heheh, that's what I did too. I thought I was mentally challenged putting in contacts for the first time, but the kind woman who was helping told her co-worker I was really fast. She didn't know I understood that much Finnish. :) I was able to put them in, take them out, and put them back in again. And ya know why? Because I badly wanted to whear Oakleys without the hassle of Rx'ing them. :)

So after I had them in for the second time, and I could feel them but it wasn't uncomfortable, I lept up and headed to the Oakley display case. My head is small, but my face is wide, so I tried on Crosshairs (interesting, could well have gone with those), Why 8.2's (I think, they were Why somethings), which again, coulda gone with them), big square wires (which could well have worked), but we kept going back to the Whisker.

I didn't have the funds to leave the wire family, sadly.

My only gripe is that I still don't have the nose adjusted 100% as it should be. If I study it in the mirror it's ever so slightly crooked. However, no one else seems to notice, so this is just me being anal. It's no big deal to pop back into the shop once I'm in the area again. :)

Another minor gripe is that with such form fitting frames, the frame touches my eyebrow piercing. Not painful, but you should avoid doing that. I love my green titanium hoop. It matches my eyes and just looks like it should be there. But I think I'm going to have to change to a banana bell soon.
Wilson Ng
Nov 5, 2005 8:03 PM
if you go back the the optometrist, i'm sure thay can readjust them to fit better on the nose, and even float them off your eyebrows a bit. my optometrist is great about adjusting frames... once it's done to fit my face, it's like custom made Oakleys just for me. however, there's quite a lot of Oakleys i didn't buy from them so it's not like i can pop in and ask for an adjustment, LOL. most of my Oakleys i have to adjust them myself.
Kimberly R
Nov 6, 2005 12:58 AM
Yeah, they're great about adjusting them for you. Luckily they're not the type of people to grab your glasses and start twisting them around.. now that would make me angry. I've actually had optomitrists do that.. not with Oakleys though.

The only problem is that no one sees the problem but me. Maybe I just need to have a V8 or something. :)

Nov 6, 2005 1:40 AM

Keep in mind if you put a non Oakley RX into a Non Rx specific frame (ie, Juliet, splice, twenty ect) it will void your warranty.

Non Oakley RX into a RX specific frame and you warranty is ok.

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