Ben Jorgensen
Sep 26, 2012 11:08 PM
Just out of curiosity, which operating system do you prefer?
Personally, I would never buy an iPhone because...well, for so many reasons it would take all day to list them; but for me what it mainly comes down to is cutting edge technology, and the ability to customize. I will always own an android for those reasons. I currently have the Samsung Galaxy Nexus running android 4.1.1 Jelly Bean on Verizon with unlimited LTE data. What are your thoughts?
Dann Thombs
Sep 26, 2012 11:45 PM
The choice was pretty much out of my hands since my provider only gives me the option of Android, but I do have an iPod touch running the 4th gen OS. I personally like the android since it uses a normal file structure, and I can plug it into a computer and access the disk like I would any other. iOS and having to sync everything seems like it takes a layer away from me, despite probably being cleaner from a maintenance and program standpoint. I feel the app for iOS are a little more robust, but that's just related to the whims of developers.
Ben Jorgensen
Sep 27, 2012 12:05 AM
Lemme guess, T-Mobile? I switched from T-Mobile to Verizon on the 6th of July 2011-the day before Verizon switched to tiered data and canceled unlimited data forever, so now I am grandfathered into unlimited LTE and I gotta say that it feels great coming from T-Mobile. I use my phone as a hotspot while at work to use my Tablet, and routinely get higher data speeds than my cable provider
Up until the launch of the iPhone 5, LTE was never even an option if you wanted LTE data. And even now that the iphone has LTE, I still would never want to use IOS.
Dann Thombs
Sep 27, 2012 12:21 AM
Yeah t-mobile. I'm sucked in until next November due to a contract reset after a lost phone. $200 and 2 years later....yeah.
Ben Jorgensen
Sep 27, 2012 12:33 AM
Well at least you guys are beginning to get some good phones like the Galaxy S III, which is in my opinion the best phone on the market, although I admit I am biased towards Samsung phones. I imagine Apple dropping Google maps for their own maps software was a deal breaker for some, but it seems like die hard Apple fans are defending Apple's decision and are calling Apple Maps "not that bad".
. .
Sep 27, 2012 5:45 AM
Iv had the iPhone since the first one came out 7 years ago , th 2g I waited in line for it and it was just a hand full of basic apps no app store nothing, to jailbreak was the only way , but I was not in to running the risk of have ing a $400 paper weight lol iv owned every iPhone since and every iPad do I love apple ya a little , are they total "soup nazis" ya kinda ,do they consistently raise the Barr for ever one to fallow ,yes , dose it out sell every other phone on the market , yes , are most people sheep , again my answer is yes , but as for do I prefer iOS over android , iOS I guess , if I could get my iPad to run windows 7 insted of just VPN ing it then ya I'd roll with that , now there's probly som nerdy guy out there going " oh come on its easy " but I'll just do what the ghost of Steve jobs tells me lol
Andrew Gregory
Sep 27, 2012 5:47 PM
Its a hard question and difficult to compare both operating systems but I guess it comes down to your needs. I've been using iOS for the last 4 years and it has served me well. However recently, I acquired a Nexus7 tablet running Android Jellybean 4.1 and I really like it aswell. I'm out of contract in a few months so I'm currently deciding whether to change my phone to an Android device. I've played with the Samsung Galaxy S III and it awesome, I love the size of the screen and the performance. I was able to hold an iPhone 5 at work the other day and it just didn't feel right. Its the same width and slightly longer which makes it feel like your holding a remote control. So at this stage, I'm kinda torn between the two. However, they are also releasing Windows 8 phones soon so another one to consider.
Ben Jorgensen
Sep 27, 2012 5:58 PM
Andrew, to me the choice is simple, go with the GS III, or wait for the next nexus phone. Android is just more evolved and at the pace at which it is evolving hardware and software wise, the Iphone 5 is already obsolete. Don't get me wrong, I can see why people like IOS, its just simple and easy to use; however, so is android. Android is more advanced, and you don't have to buy proprietary cables (the lightning connector was recently dissected and it was discovered that Apple included an authentication chip within the connector, making it impossible for aftermarket cables to work). Also, Androids have user replaceable batteries, sd card slots on top of already having huge amounts of internal storage, and the Google play store currently has the same number of apps as the App Store, which means it will soon surpass the App Store.
Andrew Gregory
Sep 27, 2012 6:25 PM
Thanks for the advice Ben, you make a lot a good points. Certainly after using the Nexus 7 for the last month, I've seen the power of Android and the freedom that comes with it. Could be time for a change I reckon...

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