Family: Misc
Date: November 2014

40 Years of Design and Innovation

You already know the unmistakable 'O' logo and the famous faces that helped cement the brand as a global icon of high performance and rebel style. Now get to know the real story behind Oakley, a company dedicated to?and driven by?cutting-edge vision. Since 1975, Oakley has been synonymous with breaking boundaries of technological possibility and aesthetic banality, an ethos carried forward by a group of mad scientists never content to iterate, only looking to reimagine and reinvent the very idea of performance eyewear, technical apparel, and wearable technology.

This is the story of big risks and bigger rewards?and the willingness to throw it all away and start again with a larger vision and greater ambition. This is disruption by design, futurism mixed with heritage, and vision without limit. This is the world according to Oakley.

Dann -
Back in 2006, I and a group of a few others wanted to undertake a fan coffee table book. Given the scope of the project, it quickly was abandoned, and we've learned so much more over the years since then, so this tome of wisdom, while expensive, is well worth the wait. While many of the ads and artwork have been seen before (although in lower resolution), the author has dug into the archives to find many new things that haven't been seen before. It's a fair combination of historical information but plenty of pictures, true to the coffee table name. It is a massive book and is beautifully bound with a presentation to match. For the fan who goes beyond just owning glasses, and really is into the company, this is a must-have.
thisguy -
This book is very big and heavy. The quality is durable and you can tell. It is nice looking at all of the pictures through the history of Oakley.
O-Review Logo & Design
© 2004-2024 Atom Crown Design and DCJ Productions.
Product Images, Logos and Artwork © 1975-2024 Oakley Inc.
All personal photos © 2004-2024 by their owners...or Rick.