Family: Rx


Ben -
I got an Rx set of Gascans in Persimmon in 2008. This combination doesn't seem to be available anymore in Rx as of 2009.

I've been very happy with these. They are not a great choice for very bright weather, but I wanted to be able to use them in a very wide range of lighting conditions, and they do at least block some light compared to clear lenses.

Excellent in the woods, gray days, fantastic for skiing/snowboarding in overcast weather. I use them bicycling a lot and they were very well there. (And the frame has worked fine despite not being designed for it)

Usable even at night for driving in some areas. Not ideal on a very dark road, but they block headlights fairly well in more well lit night areas.

I think initially they gave me a headache on a blue sky day, but that went away eventually.

No scratches at all after daily wear for 1 year... very durable.
Raymond Karlsson -
This is the one for really gloomy days outside. I have used it in rain, snowfall and shaded wood areas with great satisfaction.
It also works fine as a car driving lens (especially at night) with its strong contrast effect. Not very good in sunlight.
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