Family: Eyewear

Base: Amber
Coating: n/a
Transmission: 30
Purpose: Increased Contrast
Lighting: Medium to Bright Light

Amber Polarized
Amber Polarized
Amber Polarized
Matte Black
Amber Polarized
Matte Black
Amber Polarized
Matte Black
Amber Polarized
Matte Black
Amber Polarized
Amber Polarized

andy -
Excellent lens for stream and brook fishing with excellent contrast lens tint. A perfect 5/5 for that use.
Didn't expect it to be good for cycling or driving -and it isn't as the tint changes colours too much. But i bought them for fishing so i'll keep it a 5 rating. Flak Jacket XLJ -nice and light for a full day's fishing comfort.
rower -
perfect for overcast days on the water and on the bike
Ian -
These a niche lens. I can't really imagine situation where these would ever be the best option. With that said, I'd probably use these as an all-conditions lens for fishing.
echerub -
A good, solid lens - and your only choice if you want a polarized lens for the M Frame in Strike shape.

When I started using the Amber Polarized lens, I didn't like the yellowed tint it gave to everything. It just wasn't a tint that appealed to me. It's not as warm or as soothing as Persimmon. But, once I got used to it, I rather liked this lens.

The lens is darker than Persimmon but not as dark as Polarized Grey, which makes this a good lens to use on those mixed sun & cloud days when you'll get a mixture of bright-sunny patches and clouded-over patches. The lens is a godsend on those evening drives back home with the sun coming in at a low angle right in front of me.

In the early spring here, everything looks flat and dull when I take off my sunglasses. With the Amber lens, while the color tint took some getting used to, once you're used to it everything looks "deeper" and "richer". It's not just a sea of uninteresting grey. Of course contrast is also enhanced.

As long as you're concerned more with utility than the "coolness" of your lenses - or if, like me, you think "see-thru" lenses are stylish - the Amber Polarized is a very good, flexible and practical lens.
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