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April 1, 2006 - Rocking the O

So I as like going to the mall this morning, and stopped by teh SGH kiosk to check out the new glasses, and then was like OMG there's the new fashion glasses, I would so totally rock these, and I asked to try one on, and I asked to see the Crosshair, and they totally gave me a BSW, so I was like ROTFLAS (rolling on the floor, laughing and smiling) and was like, no re-re the one over there, and pointed to the Xhair (for those in the know!) and they were like, this is Pink, and I said that's g30! So I try them on and I totally rock them, I usually rock msot, of them, but these rock the hardest.


March 29, 2006 - My Internet Boyfriend

So I was on IRC last night, and I finally got ops in #oakley, they only gave me voice forEVER, but I was like, I don't want a + I want a @, then I turned my webcam on and the rest is history. I hope they emptied their cache.

But ANYWAY I met my new boyfriend and he's so cool. He's from the Uk, I don't know where that is, but I think it's in Italy. Or maybe Uk means Unknown, how mysteriuous. He sent me some pictures after I had to set up port forwarding on my router. Thanks Italy!

He says we will get married if we ever meet, and then he can work legally.


March 26, 2006 - Hello World

Hello everyone. I'm so glad I have a blog, and I can speak my mind. I hope you all are listening. Here I will talk about Oakley and horses and whatever I want. Please PM me if I'm on yahoo chat. Bye, thanks for stopping by.