Aug 4, 2023 12:19 AM
Hi, new here. Only been collecting for the past year or so but love tech wear & accessories. Please could you help me identify my recent purchase? I think they are Plasma Blue Ice Iridium Juliets but not too sure as there is no serial number. It was mentioned that they were purchased around 2003 at an Oakley store in the US. They also come in one of the metal boxes.

- Gol

Yep they are Plasma frame Juliets with Ice lenses. The Vault is a universal Vault so it didnt necessarily "come with it" either purchased or given out as a promo/makeup for a missing box etc. if there are markings, they would be on the opposite stem than what you took a picture of, specifically by your left temple if you are wearing them. later generations of the plasma frame dropped the serial #s and were just b;lenk then eventually had a sku laser engraved instead.
Jul 28, 2023 11:30 PM
Nope. Box was sealed once with their paper tape stuff - JP

YEah I have the same thing on some of my boxes, almost like an adhesive or solvent that isnt supposed to touch the box touched it. At first I thought it was something that cleans up, it doesnt.
Jul 28, 2023 11:26 PM
Sorry, it won't be less than $1,000. - obsession

dangit well, there goes my budget.

no more Hoity-toity Wendy's hamburgers for me then... back to Ramen to save up lol
Sep 8, 2022 12:06 AM

Flying back to Honolulu. - Lopaka KaMars

Looks terrible lol I am enjoying the 113 degree dry heat in my neck of the woods!
Aug 31, 2022 5:41 AM
Aug 31, 2022 5:40 AM
Apr 29, 2022 7:26 AM
if you know, you know.

My account got hacked and someone posted items for sale and asked for F&F on o-forum.

in the process of working with mods to get it cleared up.

stay vigilant and use protection!
Apr 20, 2022 7:42 PM
Which sku is that one? Does it have a matching/correct box? - dragonvoi

Unit only
- ronald

OK thanks, only looking for matching complete sets.
Mar 11, 2022 6:51 PM
curious how much these go for now too.
Feb 24, 2022 12:39 AM
Which sku is that one? Does it have a matching/correct box?
Feb 19, 2022 1:47 AM
Glad o-review is back!!!

Hijinx DC9

Nov 14, 2021 4:32 AM
Oct 31, 2021 5:36 PM
sure! what you got?
Oct 26, 2021 1:08 AM
Sho 'nuff it is the MVP release!

clifden MVP

Sep 8, 2021 12:41 AM
Looks a little sho-oneish. I wonder if that was happenstance or intentional?
Aug 25, 2021 10:39 PM
I got most of the colorways for the xmetal line and am very happy with my collection BUT I am so close to completing the SKUs that I would like to put out a list of Juliet's that I am still hunting. Complete examples with very good condition preferred if SN/SKU applies needs to have a matching box Thanks for looking!

Looking for LNIB Matching SN as applicable:

HalfX Carbon/BIP, XM/Grey LE.
JG XM/GI 04-112
IP Plsm/IIP 04-123
JF Plsh/FI 04-126
CJ Crbn/BI 04-128
XM/BI Hyd 04-146
Plsh/FIP Hyd 04-147
Plsm/EI Hyd 04-150
Plsm/FI Hyd 04-151
Plsm/II Hyd 04-152
CBP Crbn/BIP 12-835
Crbn/RI 24-088

04-110 & 04-115 OG label
Aug 25, 2021 10:19 PM

hmmm I dont remember the first time I bought my first goggles...
Aug 23, 2021 8:57 AM
Just to clarify you are looking for a pair with lenses or lenses only? Because I have an extra TI EP1 set of lenses..
Aug 4, 2021 9:19 AM
Jul 14, 2021 7:12 AM
Well this is weird. Weird because Thom Browne has their own line of eyewear and a good one at that (not sure if DITA is still producing their line for them), so it's interesting to see (customized) Oakley Romeo 2 on their model:

View this post on Instagram

A post shared by Thom Browne (@thombrowne)

- Oak

Report Them for promoting fakes lol.
Apr 7, 2021 8:13 AM
Nice collection!
Mar 24, 2021 6:52 PM
Did anyone pick up a set who is willing to share pics/vids?
Mar 5, 2021 10:31 PM
If the glammed pics are accurate, I see a new type of nose bomb for the Romeo. Interesting. - Oak

Ive seen those flat nose bombs on Oscar before.
found em: from ANt.
Mar 4, 2021 6:30 PM
Anybody who wants a Romeo + Juliet bundle for half that price, I'll deliver it to your place myself, worldwide. - BiGCoB

deal! but only if it comes with a day of photo sessions... for my entire collection.
Oct 20, 2020 11:26 PM
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